Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 400 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 400 Sister Daji Covers Me (30)
An Luo didn't even think about who would continue to work for him after the ten thousand sessions of practice would end in the future and he would have a real body.

Instead of working for others, it is better to work for yourself, which is the legendary self-boss.

It's just that everyone in this fairy world is indeed powerful, and it is really more difficult than climbing to the sky to fight for a place in it.

However, she has been silent for too long, and the desire for success in her heart has become stronger and stronger, so no matter how good or favorable the conditions are, she will never be tempted by this tree demon.

At least to be on an equal footing with them, An Luo secretly made up his mind to practice hard.

Xiqi's army is approaching Chaoge City day by day. Although there are countless casualties on this side, the opponent is even more defeated, because those elite soldiers and strong generals have already been wiped out when they attacked Xiqi, and now they are captured. There are even old people and young people in the Chaoge team facing Xiqi's army.

Moreover, these people were basically slaves, and Di Xin hated them deeply. Now that Xiqi's team came, of course they wanted to welcome them instead of confronting them.

So at this moment, entering Chaocheng is simply as easy as pie.

However, there is a word of reason in everything, and of course another word of etiquette. As a prince, King Wu tried his best to persuade King Zhou to be arrested without a fight.

Of course, the ending of King Zhou Di Xin is also very clear to everyone. After the Lutai was burned, he also threw his soul into the Fengshentai.

"An Luo, the Conferred God War is coming to an end, let's go back with the teacher and continue to practice." However, what An Luo didn't expect was that Yuan Yuan Tianzun came to pick her up in person.

Since this is the case, if you still insist on staying, you will be too naive.So An Luo decided to give up watching and dealing with Daji, such a rare event in hundreds of years.

"If you don't watch it, don't watch it. It's quite sad when you think about it."

So, An Luo returned to the camp, cleaned up briefly, and said goodbye to Murray.

"Okay, anyway, I'm leaving here soon, and the task here has been completed." Murray agreed, "Let's meet again by fate."

An Luo didn't have much time to say goodbye to everyone, after all, there was still a very important matter outside, that is, the upcoming acceptance of Chaoge.The fourth son, Zhou Gongdan, is very busy now, so it's better not to disturb him.

So An Luo followed Yuan Tianzun directly back to Kunlun Mountain, and began a very quiet practice life since then.

After another 10 years or so, An Luo finally made a breakthrough and reached the realm of human immortality, so he could finally leave this world.

It is said that after Caiyun regained consciousness, he did not return to Jiejiao. After all, he no longer had any acquaintances there, even enemies.And she was really just a little boy watching the mountain gate before, and she didn't have any friendship with anyone else, and she couldn't say that she had too deep feelings.

So Caiyun practiced with Yuan Tianzun for a long period of time, and finally got a place in the fairy world. Although she is only a very small female official of Tiangong, she has achieved a very good achievement.

An Luo has successfully completed the task in this century, so counting the time of living here and the time of the final reward, she can postpone her self-disclosure for a total of 110 years.

However, news from the main god really came from this sealed place: both the Nine-Tails and the Dryad can be released.

(End of this chapter)

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