Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 401 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 401 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (01)
This is an era where zombies are rampant, and besides zombies, people are also a very scary factor.

An Luo's original owner this time was framed by her boyfriend and best friend. They pushed her into the crowd of zombies just for a small chance of survival, and the pair of scumbags and scumbags only took advantage of this time to escape. .

Under such extreme conditions, it seems difficult to condemn anyone.But there is always a solution to things, and it is difficult to guarantee whether such an act of abandoning pawns to save the car is the most perfect solution.

What made the original owner feel the most uncomfortable was not her own sacrifice. If it was for her lover and her best friend, she would have willingly given her life, but she was pushed out like this without any discussion That, is simply too much.

What the original owner didn't know was that these two people had already been together. Of course, judging from this behavior, it could be easily deduced.

Before the original owner died, he thought it through.

So the original owner's wish is also very simple, to go back to his hometown to save his sister, and at the same time find this pair of scumbags to take revenge.

An Luo woke up from the chaos, deeply feeling that this body was already bad, and it couldn't get any worse.

I have been hurt countless times before, but this time is the most serious.

Fortunately, he didn't feel any pain at all, because she had turned into a zombie as a whole, and the zombie virus had completely infected her spinal cord and brain.

It's just that the repair ability brought about by this time travel still exists. Even if she has been severely infected with the zombie virus, her overall physical condition will slowly return to the appearance of a normal person with the passage of time, and finally become a normal person. Become a normal person carrying the zombie virus and antibodies against the virus.

Simply looking in the mirror, he can be said to be a very normal person, but he occasionally has the urge to bite people in the early stages.

The downside, of course, is that she has to restrain her urge to bite people all the time. The upside is that she will hardly be threatened at all. All zombies will treat her as the same kind, and humans will also treat her as a human being. similar.

So now you can basically walk sideways in this world.

An Luo knew that the original owner's ex-boyfriend and best friend planned to arrive in T City, and it is said that there is a rescue place there, which can guarantee the safety of the citizens.

And the original owner's sister is in X City, the most important thing right now is to rescue her sister?So An Luo didn't hesitate too much, and planned to go directly to Room X.

The place where she is now is a modern small city. Although it is a small city, there are all kinds of famous cars.She randomly found one, it looked pretty good, it was relatively strong, and it had enough gasoline, of course the most important thing was the one with the key still in it, and planned to drive to City X.

Normally, the original owner would have to take a plane to return to City X, so it would take at least a whole day to drive back like this, and he would need to rest and sleep in the middle, so it would take two or three days.

Of course, An Luo is very willing to rush back as quickly as possible, so in this case, wouldn't it be better to find a plane?
The place where there are planes should be a place like an emergency center, right?

Although the navigation was no longer available, the city map was still available. An Luo found the nearest emergency center and drove there.

(End of this chapter)

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