Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 402 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 402 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (02)
[System prompt: In this world, please live hard in the last days, fulfill your wish for the original owner, and all the valuable things you have done will be destroyed]

Original owner's name: Sophia;

Gender: Female;

Age: 21 years old;
Status: college student.

Cause of death: Zombies broke out first in the school. She escaped with her boyfriend and girlfriends, but encountered zombies again, and she became an abandoned child.

But now it's too late to seek revenge from them, An Luo still has one very important thing to do for the original owner, and that is to save her sister.

Sophia's older sister is Isabella, who lives in City X. An Luo plans to find a helicopter to go to City X.

The emergency center is in the north of the small city, and if you want to go to City X, you have to pass through there, so An Luo plans to take it along to see if he can get a helicopter.

There are almost no living people in this city now, and if there are any, they must be hidden in a place where no one can see, so as not to be discovered by zombies.

The whole city was in a state of depression and depression, but there were no corpses everywhere, because these people were either eaten by zombies or turned into zombies.

It has only been two weeks since the zombie outbreak, and the entire city has been completely paralyzed. The streets are empty, and small animals can be seen running out from time to time. It seems that there is a tendency to become a wild environment.

An Luo was thinking, could this be the punishment of nature?
It was useless to think about it. There was no traffic jam at all along the way, and we arrived at the emergency center soon.

However, this place seems to be a paradise for zombies. A helicopter can be seen on the tarmac of the emergency center, but there are still many zombies dangling around.

But this is not a problem for An Luo, except that it may be difficult to fly a helicopter because she has no actual combat experience, she doesn't care about other things, because zombies won't bite her.

An Luo was about to jump over the wall of the emergency center. Just as she was about to jump up, she heard a voice: "Don't move!"

Damn, I almost froze.

She looked back and saw a group of heavily armed men holding weapons behind her.

"Ma'am, what are you going to do?" The leading man asked her. Judging from the epaulets, this person has a higher position than the others, but they all wear masks on their heads, so they can't see their appearance clearly.

An Luo looked at them carefully. They were uniformly dressed. The clothes were very new and clean. They didn't look like they had gone through many battles. She looked a little further away and found that there were two other equipment Well built trucks and an armored car.

"You are here to rescue us, right?" An Luo blinked, showing an innocent and pleasant look.

The man still didn't put down his weapon, and asked An Luo, "What were you doing just now?"

"I...I want to tie my shoes!" An Luo said heartily, fortunately wearing sneakers.

"You don't mean to jump in, do you? Do you know that going in is courting death?" the man said sternly.

An Luo was speechless. With such a high wall, can a person like me who can jump in be afraid of zombies?What a nosy.

However, it seems that they are not nosy, and they seem to have a purpose.

The man waved his hand, and two young men came over and invited An Luo aside. They released a flying robot to inquire about the information inside.

"So what is your purpose? Can you let me go? I have something urgent to do!" An Luo said angrily.

"What's your hurry?" the captain asked her calmly while watching the video of the aircraft.

(End of this chapter)

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