Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 403 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 403 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (03)
"I'm going to City X to save my sister." An Luo said to the captain.

"Hehe, it's up to you? Can you enter City X? It's ridiculous!" The captain sneered, "The road to City X has been blocked now."

"What about the residents of City X?"

"There is no news from City X at the moment, and the communications over there are all cut off." The captain explained.

An Luo said in his heart, if this is the case, he must get that helicopter.She was still too innocent. When she thought about it, her eyes had already landed on the helicopter.

The captain glanced at her and said to her, "Don't even think about it, we have requisitioned this helicopter."

An Luo hehehe: "I want to see, what ability do you have to requisition this helicopter."

At this time, a team member reported: "Captain, there are 732 zombies in total!"

"Launch the tiny robot!"

After the captain's order was issued, several team members took out their heavy weapons and fired several shells in the direction of the emergency center.

However, the cannonball didn't explode after it hit the ground, but turned into countless small claws, crawling towards the zombies, and quickly penetrated into the heads of the zombies.

Ten minutes later, someone reported: "Report to the captain, all anchoring is complete!"

The captain asked: "Okay! Fully activated!" After speaking, he pressed a button.

A loud noise came from the direction of the emergency center, and the heads of all these zombies exploded from the inside, completely destroying their movement systems, equivalent to being completely wiped out.

An Luo looked at this black technology and was very surprised: "You guys are invincible! From this point of view, zombies in the world are no match for you!"

The captain looked at her proudly, maybe he was wearing a mask, and An Luo couldn't see clearly, but he just vaguely felt that the look in his eyes was unfriendly.

He explained: "This weapon has not yet been mass-produced, it is only used on a small scale, and it is still in the trial stage."

"Still trying it? When is it now? Hurry up and mass-produce it, and get rid of zombies in large quantities is the right solution, right?"

"Yes." The team leader seemed to have finally said a softer word, but then he said to everyone: "You can enter the emergency center! Team A will go to the pharmacy to get the medicine, team B will go to the operating room to get the medical equipment, and the rest will do the work." cover."

Everything was carried out step by step, and the captain followed Team A to the pharmacy.

Now that there is no obstacle, An Luo decided to hurry up and go to City X, so she wanted to use this time to start the helicopter.However, the two team members guarding her stopped her: "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

"As I said, I have something urgent to leave!"

"No, we have requisitioned this helicopter!"

"Why! Did you come first, first served? Obviously I got here first!" An Luo retorted.

"But we got rid of the zombies!"

"That's your own business!" An Luo said angrily, "If any of you dare to stop me! It's a dead end!"

These two soldiers didn't pay much attention to An Luo at all, thinking that such a girl was nothing more than a blunt mouth and could do anything, so they remained motionless and pointed their weapons at her.

An Luo had no choice but to grab the weapons of the two of them with lightning speed, and with a strong flick, the two weapons were bent.

Those two people were taken aback. Before they could react, An Luo had already jumped into the emergency center and rushed into the helicopter.

(End of this chapter)

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