Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 410 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 410 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (10)
An Luo didn't move at all, just watched the excitement quietly.

The three zombies wobbled around An Luo and rushed directly to Julian, the person in charge of the rescue center.

Julian looked at her indifferently and shouted: "The devil! You are the devil!"

An Luo chuckled: "Even if I am a devil, I am a hundred times kinder than a villain like you!"

The screams of being bitten by the zombies attracted the attention of outsiders. They knew that Julian sent An Luo here, but they didn't expect him to go in by himself.

Someone opened the door outside and was stunned to see the tragedy.

However, a very clever staff member directly attacked these zombies with weapons.But obviously, this Julian is no longer good enough, not even a zombie.

The two staff outside the door wanted to subdue An Luo with weapons, but where were these people her opponents? She quickly rushed over to snatch the weapon, pressed it against the head of one of them, and said, "If you don't want him to die, Just listen to my command obediently!"

However, the other person didn't care and aimed at An Luo.Before he could pull the trigger, An Luo preemptively killed him.

She looked at the staff member who was taken hostage by herself just now, and asked him: "How is it? You, who are not cared about by your companions at all, who are you loyal to?"

The man turned pale with fright because of what happened just now. Hearing what An Luo said, he hurriedly said, "I didn't do my allegiance to anyone, I just wanted to survive."

"OK! Now if you want to live, tell me where my sister Isabella is!"

At this moment, An Luo heard the sound of blasting from outside. She looked out from the window in the corridor and saw that Captain Rhodes' team had broken through the defense line of the rescue center and was completely occupying the rescue center.

There are still many people who are resisting outside, and an inexplicable battle has started between them.

An Luo was worried that he would be accidentally injured, so he hid with the staff member. After making sure that he had no weapons, he asked him with confidence: "What's the matter with you? Where are the people who were rescued?"

The staff member explained that it was indeed a rescue center at first, but the resources here became more and more scarce, and eventually it was messed up. The real person in charge was killed by Julian, and then the entire center obeyed Julian's command.

They organized the men into several teams, which were responsible for obtaining supplies, and the women were mainly responsible for taking care of other people's daily life.

After understanding the actual situation, An Luo came to the room where the child was taken care of just now, and confirmed that there was no problem here. The little girl, together with other children, was huddled in a corner under the leadership of several women, waiting for the end of the battle outside. .

"Julian is still a conscientious person and knows how to take care of the children, right?" An Luo asked the staff member.

"Yes! So everyone still obeys him!"

Later, An Luo knew that these children were also an important bargaining chip for him to control some men and women here.If she was eaten by zombies just now, it would be difficult for that little girl to survive here.

Not long after, Rhodes' team had achieved an absolute victory, occupying the entire center.

An Luo met Rhode's team head-on, and one of the leaders said excitedly: "Miss Sophia, this is really great, the captain told us to find you!"

(End of this chapter)

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