Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 411 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 411 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (11)
Before An Luo could answer, the young man communicated with Rhodes, "Report to the captain, Miss Sophia was found in the central area on the third floor."

"Stand by where you are!"


An Luo asked him in surprise, "How do you know me?"

"I was one of the people who took care of you when I was in the emergency center! My weapons were all damaged by you. Miss Sophia is really amazing!" the young man sighed.

An Luo was very surprised how his attitude changed so quickly, maybe they could all see that Captain Rhodes cared about her very much.

Not long after, a handsome and tall man with a cropped hair like the others rushed over with a team. When he saw An Luo, he scolded An Luo: "Didn't you say that I will meet you at the door of the rescue center? How can you make such an assertion?" Just came in by yourself? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

"Hey, why are you so angry? This is the rescue center. I didn't come in directly. Did I land in the pile of zombies outside? Are you out of your mind? Besides, it's okay here! I don't think there is any danger!" Ann Luo replied disapprovingly, "Besides, who are you?"

"Stupid! I'm Captain Rhodes, can't you hear the voice?" Captain Rhodes sighed.

An Luo smiled, naturally he was joking with him just now.

Captain Rhodes asked the staff next to him: "Where's your manager Julian? Tell him to come out and see me!"

The staff member was trembling: "Report this officer, I'm afraid, I won't see you again!"

"Why?" Captain Rhodes was rather annoyed, "Could it be that he ran away because he was afraid of being held accountable?"

"No, he's dead." The staff gave An Luo a cautious look, and didn't dare to continue.

Captain Rhodes asked An Luo: "What's going on? Didn't you say that you were not in danger?"

An Luo said indifferently: "It's not really dangerous, but he wanted to harm me and wanted to feed me to the zombies, but he ended up accompanying himself in."

"Forget it, as long as you are fine! Anyway, we are here to deal with him this time."

"Didn't you say it earlier?"

"I also received the notification and the latest order just now, and I couldn't contact you at that time." Captain Rhodes explained.

He ordered that a temporary command center be set up immediately, all personnel gather, register all rescued personnel, and check the health status of everyone.

Many people lost their lives because of the internal fighting in this rescue center. Later, Julian killed many people in order to gain control, so he did not inform the world of the specific list of rescued people in their rescue center.

Because everything is very chaotic now, there are still a lot of irregular rescue centers like this, and Captain Rhodes, because they have obtained weapons that can perfectly fight against zombies, they have the spare power to take over these rescue centers.

An Luo also helped to make statistics on all personnel.

There are still a lot of rooms in this mental hospital. They need to open these rooms one by one to confirm the names of the people inside and where they come from.

The living conditions of some people here are extremely poor and overcrowded. Once one of them has an accident and turns into a zombie, the others will not be spared.

Even the living ones have been tortured to a lesser extent during this period of time.

After opening one door after another, An Luo finally saw a familiar figure in the memory of the original owner, his sister Isabella.

(End of this chapter)

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