Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 414 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 414 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (14)
An Luo looked at Captain Rhodes and asked him suspiciously, "Are you so free?"

"I...as long as it's your business, I'll go through fire and water." Captain Rhodes replied seriously.

"Thank you! Would you please return the helicopter to me?"

Captain Rhodes nodded helplessly: "Okay! But before that, I will appoint you as the person in charge of the rescue center. During your absence, I will manage the rescue center on your behalf."

"Really?" An Luo asked in surprise, "Do you have such power?"

At this time, it was time to arrange work tasks for everyone. Captain Rhodes dragged An Luo in front of everyone, picked up the loudspeaker, and said, "Attention everyone, I have something to announce here!"

Everyone fell silent and looked towards this side.

"Your former person in charge was full of evil. It was Ms. Sophia who came here alone to save you from fire and water. Now, I officially appoint Ms. Sophia as the person in charge of the rescue center in T City. Do you agree?"

Lei Dong's applause rang out, accompanied by cheers. It seemed that everyone had no objection.

An Luo gave an inaugural speech very excitedly, claiming to bring everyone a better environment and strive to live a normal life in the near future.

However, after saying these words, An Luo really didn't want to leave immediately. After all, she had to worry about every aspect of the rescue center, from fuel to food to everyone's living conditions. These were all problems she had to solve.

"You're not cheating on me, are you?"

"How could it be? Tell me the name of the person you want to take revenge on, and I'll catch it for you and let you do whatever you want." Rhodes said to her.

"What's the point of that? The happiest thing about revenge is the process, not the result."

Now that he has somehow become the leader of this group of people, he naturally has to do some things. Judging from the current situation, the problem that needs to be solved is mainly food. It will be autumn soon, and thick clothes should be prepared as soon as possible.

Everyone's living environment should be able to come and go freely, so An Luo prepared a key for everyone, so that they can open the door even if they are in the room.

Going to the city to collect supplies is also one of the most difficult things, and of course it must be done by the most elite team.

Farming things can start now too.

As for medicines, they are not the most lacking here. As a mental hospital with medical qualifications, basic medicines are necessary.

After careful inspection, An Luo asked everyone to focus on obtaining food.

In addition to going to the supermarket, looking for game in the mountains and growing vegetables can be used as supplements.

It’s just that it’s very dangerous to go to the supermarket. It’s dangerous to go to the mountains. I don’t know if I can get game, not to mention that wild animals may contain parasites and viruses, which is also risky.

They have almost gone to the nearby supermarkets. In fact, there are many large supermarkets in S City, and there may be leftover food, so they can definitely try it.

"No, if you want to go to W Supermarket and this K Supermarket, you have to go through a very dangerous block. We tried many times, but we couldn't pass." The former employee said.

An Luo took a closer look. It used to be a relatively dense residential area with a lot of zombies, which is normal. But because of this, the supermarket is very big.Of course, she never thought that going to the supermarket to plunder supplies could be called a kind of wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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