Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 415 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 415 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (15)
An Luo still decided to try it himself. Now he felt that becoming the leader of a team was not as good as he imagined. After all, he had a heavy responsibility to be responsible for the basic necessities of the team.

Think about it and feel a little headache.

Although Captain Rhodes brought enough food this time, and it is said that there will be supplies, he doesn't know when the supplies will arrive. After asking Rhodes, he also said that he will wait for the news from above, and he doesn't know. Where is the top.

As the saying goes, asking for help is better than asking for oneself, An Luo decided to go to the city by herself. After talking to Rhodes, she drove a truck with ten strong and experienced staff and weapons. W supermarket in the city.

Driving all the way to the city, all the zombies turned a blind eye when they saw her, and they could walk sideways, but An Luo felt that it would be great if he could command these perpetual motion machines. After all, they don't need to absorb any energy, and they can always maintain super High combat effectiveness, is it photosynthesis?It's a pity that she doesn't have such two.

Thinking wildly all the way, An Luo drove to the W supermarket, and parked the truck in the supermarket's transport garage to ensure that there were no zombies here, and after all the doors were closed, An Luo led the group of people into the supermarket, where It hasn't been sold out yet, and there are still a lot of supplies.However, only those in airtight packaging can still be used, and other fresh foods have long been surprised.

She walked ahead with a weapon and was responsible for getting rid of any zombies that might appear at any time. Others were also responsible for clearing the field and closing all the doors to ensure safety.

After that, of course, is to move things.

The main things they moved were canned food and food, and An Luo also packed some milk powder for the children.

When everyone was moving these items, they suddenly heard a loud noise, and someone pointed at the door of the supermarket and said, "No, the zombies are coming."

From the gap in the protective iron gate of the supermarket, An Luo saw groups of zombies gathering here, and it would be troublesome if they rushed in.The iron gate is not so strong, and it has already started to shake.

An Luo asked everyone to pretend to retreat quickly.

After making sure everyone got in the car, he drove the truck out of the back door of the supermarket. There were fewer zombies here, but there were dozens of them. They all jumped on the truck, which not only slowed down the speed, but also affected the vision.

There was absolutely no way to stop now, so An Luo had no choice but to bite the bullet and drive forward, almost blindly driving out of the encirclement. When he returned to the mental hospital, there were still six or seven zombies on the truck.Fortunately, the responsible personnel cleaned up these zombies before letting them in.

An Luo ordered everyone to put the food away. It should be enough for more than 2000 people to eat for a week, which is quite a harvest.

After going back and forth for more than half a day, An Luo wanted to go to Rhodes and tell him that he could leave for at least a week.

In Rhode's office, she heard the laughter of a woman like a silver bell. She waited for a while, but did not go in. The woman's voice was quite penetrating, and the golden sentences followed one after another, and the laughter also Continuously, I don't know where she got so many jokes.

She waited here for a while, and finally, someone opened the door.This is a very beautiful woman, even though it is such a difficult environment to survive, she still dresses herself very delicately.

This woman's name is Hannah, and An Luo personally rescued her from one of the confinement rooms yesterday, but she seemed very dissatisfied when she saw An Luo's eyes, and left without even saying hello.

(End of this chapter)

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