Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 416 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 416 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (16)
When Rhodes saw An Luo come in, he put down the list in his hand, and said to An Luo with a bit of embarrassment: "She recommended herself."

"Oh, I recommend myself for what?"

"She said she could be my assistant."

"Really? I thought she was going to be a cross talk actor. Do you need an assistant? Why didn't you say it earlier? I think I can do it too." An Luo said with a smile.

Rhodes shook his head: "I don't need an assistant at all." But then he realized that he seemed to have missed the opportunity, "No, I hope you can be my assistant!"

"Beautiful you, I still have something to do. I'm going to T City now, and I'll leave the rest to you. I'll be back within a week."

Rhode hurriedly came over and grabbed her: "How can you just leave? Are you so relieved of me?"

An Luo chuckled: "What's there to worry about? With such a strong working ability, you will definitely be able to take care of this place in an orderly manner."

"You know I'm not talking about that."

"There is nothing else, as long as you are happy. But I still have one thing, and I want to ask you for a favor."

Captain Rhodes and An Luo drove the helicopter back to City X again.

Because, thinking of the aunt that day, An Luo was still a little worried, so he planned to take her away.While cursing her the Holy Mother, Rhodes agreed to her plan.

He still parked the helicopter on the tarmac of a nearby five-star hotel, then An Luo drove to Sophia's house, knocked on the door next door, and found his aunt. Fortunately, she was still safe and sound.

An Luo explained, and said that he would take her away, and then took her to the top floor, while Rhodes drove the plane here to meet her.

After reuniting their grandparents and grandchildren, An Luo went to the rescue center in T city alone.

An Luo was also questioned from the ground. When she revealed that she was the person in charge of the rescue center in City S, City T immediately opened the landing platform.

Someone checked An Luo to make sure she was not bitten, and then took An Luo to meet their leader Miguel.

This rescue center looks very professional, no matter in terms of management, staffing, environment and resources, it is quite standard, compared with the rescue center in S City, it should be several grades better.

Miguel is a 19-year-old handsome boy, being able to become the person in charge of the rescue center shows that he has absolute excellence.

That's idol power!

Miguel was originally a member of a well-known idol group and has countless fans around the world.After the outbreak of zombies, he saved the team and fans from fire and water because of his strong combat effectiveness, so he successfully won the title of team leader, and finally built the largest rescue center in this area.

"Mr. Miguel is really amazing, young and promising." An Luo said to Miguel.

"Nowhere, Ms. Sophia is not inferior. She killed Julian by herself and saved thousands of people from suffering. I admire you! By the way, Ms. Sophia really didn't come here to spoil the situation, right?" Mi Geer was very polite on the surface, but actually he was a little apprehensive.

"How could it be? Mr. Miguel is worrying too much!" An Luo said with a smile, "I just want to bring two people back."


"Alyn Breca and Celia Cruz."

(End of this chapter)

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