Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 424 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 424 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (24)
"Miss Sophia, you can't go out now, there are too many zombies outside!" The captain of the defense department said eagerly to An Luo.

An Luo is a person who is easily moved, because it seems that no one has cared about her life for a long time.In such an apocalypse, when a stranger (in her opinion) could have such a heart-warming remark, tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's okay, I can handle it, don't worry." An Luo resolutely picked up the two knives, opened a small crack in the front door, and got out.

Hundreds of zombies looked nothing at all, but when they got closer, they really felt a little dark.

If it weren't for the boy with the excavator and the boy with the truck, it would be a good choice to use the wrath of the thunder, which can be reduced to ashes in an instant.Hey, why didn't I think of this way earlier?

Not now, innocent people will be hurt.Or manually.The double knives in An Luo's hands were like a whirlwind, and the knives hit the heads of the zombies. By the end of a complete set of double knives, she had killed nearly a hundred zombies.

What was more unacceptable was the smell of corruption. Even though she was wearing a mask, she could still feel it clearly.

Now that the two knives are blunt, An Luo felt that it was too uncomfortable, so he threw the knives away and pulled out the double halberds from the weapon pouch on his back. These foreigners have never seen such weapons, and they are not commonly used now. .But An Luo thought about it carefully, and felt that this halberd could stab straight and slash horizontally. With both halberds in hand, when using it, it was as if the whole body was covered with knives.

With a good weapon, fighting is all about physical strength. If An Luo herself, she might be tired at this time, but after all, she was bitten by a zombie and carried the virus of the zombie, so she doesn't need to rest at all, and her physical strength can keep up with it .She knew that this was not in line with energy conservation, but this was the working principle of the zombie virus, and there was really no way to think about it carefully.

After another set of halberd techniques was completed, there were not many zombies left outside the door. The two young men continued to load the car. An Luo and others helped to clean up the battlefield.

In this battle alone, An Luo obtained nearly 500 crystals, enough to pay everyone this month's salary.

In the evening, An Luo took a shower and came out to have dinner, and found that everyone looked at her strangely.

Even my elder sister Isabella asked her with concern: "Sophia, everyone says you are actually a superhero, why didn't I notice before, you are so strong!"

"What superhero? Iron Man?"

Dorothy said excitedly: "Sister Sophia, are you a friend of Iron Man?, I just want to ask, do you have Iron Man's phone number, I am her fan."

"I'm sorry, Dorothy, Iron Man has already gone to another planet." An Luo patted her on the shoulder, "It will take a while!"

The number of zombies around has decreased a lot, and everyone's sense of oppression is not so great.

Now the food is still enough for 14 days. I don't know what's wrong with the headquarters, and I still can't get in touch.

Since you can't rely on the headquarters, you should first achieve self-sufficiency.

So in the following time, An Luo brought more than a dozen people to the supermarket in the city to carry food back almost every day.

Basically, when everyone was carrying food, An Luo and a few young men with agility and superior fighting power were responsible for dealing with potential threats, including sporadic zombies and groups of zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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