Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 425 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 425 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (25)
After a few days of hard work, An Luo collected quite a lot of food and daily necessities, enough for these 2000 people to live for a month.

What surprised everyone the most was that An Luo's single-player combat power was so strong, he was completely tireless, and he fired both hot and cold weapons. In just a few days, he almost wiped out the zombies in the entire city of S, which can be called a ten thousand The corpse was chopped up.

After ensuring that S City has 30 days of food reserves and there is no threat of zombie groups around, An Luo can feel at ease.

But why is there no news from the headquarters?
An Luo couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Now everyone in the rescue center admires An Luo so much that they are finally convinced that it is not because of luck that she is in charge, but because of her strength.

Including Hannah, she also changed her previous arrogance, and she was much more serious than before in reporting work and statistics.

An Luo also feels that he has indeed grown a lot after traveling through these years. If he returns to the fairy world in the future, he should be considered versatile in both civil and military skills, right?
But she didn't know what was going on, she always seemed to have a restless heart, and after entering her comfort zone in this place, she panicked.

Maybe it's because I don't know the outside news?Didn't Rhodes mean to just take some resources?It's been a week since then, right?Why is there no news at all?

"Sophia, do you have something on your mind?" Hannah was reporting the chart, and found that An Luo's brows were frowning, so she asked.

An Luo nodded: "Well, I don't understand why the headquarters can't be contacted. Could something happen?"

The captain of the defense department said: "I guess not? Maybe the line leading to our side is broken."

"But if they can't contact us, they should send someone to send a message, right?" An Luo still felt that something was wrong, "I want to check the situation, now the food is complete, the medicine is sufficient, the weapons and the surrounding defenses are very complete, the most important thing is What's more, there are not many zombies nearby, so the situation is relatively stable."

"But during this time, who should be in charge of management?" Hannah asked.

"Let's vote for those present. Whoever gets the most votes will be the interim person in charge." An Luo suggested.

In the final vote, it turned out that Hannah had the highest number of votes. It seemed that she was indeed very popular.

An Luo bid farewell to everyone, and wanted to go to the headquarters by helicopter, but suddenly found that he didn't know where the headquarters was at all.

Helpless, she had no choice but to come to T City to find Miguel first.

This Miguel’s injury is almost healed, but he still needs to hang the injured arm to stop after he has been injured for a hundred days. After seeing An Luo, he looked very happy:” I finally met an acquaintance, this week I don’t know why, it seems that the contact with the headquarters has been disconnected, and I can’t get in touch with you even if I want to contact you.”

It seems that City S is not the only one that has encountered this problem. Fortunately, Miguel knew the location of the headquarters, so he gave An Luo a detailed map.

"Sophia, I'll go with you." Cynthia, the president of the Miguel Support Club, volunteered and said to An Luo, "I've been there before, and I'm familiar with the road."

"Aren't you going to guard Miguel here? He still needs someone to take care of him now, what if some little girl takes advantage of it?" An Luo asked her with a smile.

Cynthia glanced at Miguel: "He dares."

(End of this chapter)

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