Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 426 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 426 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (26)
Cynthia is a very soft and cute girl, but what doesn't match her soft and cute personality is her strong strength.

From the current point of view, An Luo thinks that her ability to fly a helicopter is really too strong. Usually, An Luo is quite well-behaved, but in the hands of Cynthia, she becomes full of tricks. It is obvious that she likes to pursue the thrilling feeling that her life is hanging by a thread. , and having fun with it.

I haven't gotten along with her alone before, but after getting along with her now, I realize that Sister An Qi is definitely a contrasting type.

When they arrived at the headquarters, An Luo felt that she was about to suffocate, and she regretted that she agreed to let Cynthia fly the helicopter.

"It seems a bit strange. Why is there no signal from the tower? Last time when I came here, the tower gave a notification from far away." After arriving at the destination, Cynthia felt very strange.

It's true that the quietness here is a bit unreasonable. If it was the headquarters, it should be very lively.

Although there are not many people, the defense facilities of the headquarters are still very good, and the copper and iron walls are insurmountable. Of course, this is for ordinary people. For these two sisters, that is simply like walking on the ground.It's just that neither of these two people can decrypt the password, so they basically use brute force.

After breaking into the gate of the headquarters in this way, An Luo was stunned by the scene in front of him. No wonder there was no way to get in touch here. This is the paradise of zombies!
Due to the paralysis of communication, during this period of time, the communication transfers of various places were completed at the headquarters. Now that the headquarters has become such a scene, it is normal that there is no way to communicate with each other.I don't know if the other rescue centers have already understood the situation, or they can't break through the fortifications of this headquarters at all, so they can only look at the headquarters and sigh.

An Luo subconsciously wanted to protect Cynthia, but he didn't expect that Cynthia also came over to protect her. The two almost bumped into each other, and couldn't help but looked at each other with a smile. It seemed that it would be better to fight independently, and she must be too. There are ways to take care of yourself.

If there was only An Luo alone, it would still be a little stressful to deal with the dense crowd of zombies. Now that Cynthia is added, it can be said to be even more powerful.

The two searched for the core location of the headquarters all the way, trying to at least restore the line. The situation became more complicated as they walked in. Cynthia recognized a few staff members of the headquarters that he had seen before, and An Luo also found that there There are also members of the Rhodes team she has seen before.

"It seems that the zombies here can't be controlled. The living people have already escaped?" Cynthia said.

"But if he escapes, Rhodes should go to me." An Luo still felt that something was wrong.

The two of them groped to find the core control office of the headquarters, but were surprised to find that it seemed to be man-made, so it was not a natural disaster at all, but a man-made disaster.

"I'm really not good at wiring, what can you do?" Cynthia asked An Luo.

As an expert who has built large-scale weapons with his bare hands, problems like this are not a problem at all.

Fortunately, it was discovered relatively early, and the power was not exhausted. Cynthia recovered the circuit diagram from the computer, and An Luo went all out to repair it.

After several hours of hard work, I finally restored all the lines completely, and also communicated with T city and S city respectively.

There was a line connecting Rhode's team, An Luo tried it, and unexpectedly got connected.

(End of this chapter)

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