Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 427 Countdown to Survival in the End Times

Chapter 427 Countdown to Survival in the End Times (27)
The line on Rhodes' side was connected smoothly, and An Luo heard his voice: "Is it the headquarters? What happened, why is the line disconnected?"

An Luo replied: "Yes, I am the headquarters. Everyone here has turned into zombies, and the line has been cut off. I just connected the line with Cynthia."

"An Luo?" Rhode asked in surprise, "Why don't you wait in City S, what are you doing at the headquarters?"

"The line is broken, and I can't get in touch with the headquarters. I don't think I should ignore it. I still want to take a look. What are you doing now?" An Luo asked.

"I have encountered a little trouble here. There are some problems with energy acquisition. I am currently undergoing emergency repairs. If everything goes well, it will take another week to produce the first batch of weapons." Rhodes explained, "But this first This batch of weapons should be enough to wipe out the zombies in a whole big city."

"I'm afraid that if you are later, everyone will turn into zombies." An Luo said impatiently, "Is this weapon so difficult to manufacture?"

"If there is energy, streamlined production will be fast, but there are too many things missing now, and we have to search for supplies everywhere." Rhodes sighed, "Forget it, you are right to criticize. So, what is the situation at the headquarters now?" Like? Is there anyone alive?"

"I don't know! I haven't encountered it yet."

"By the way, there is an X area in the headquarters, which is equivalent to an emergency protection area. Maybe someone is hiding there. You have come here, why don't you go and have a look?"

What are you talking about, what are you calling?This is not tourism!An Luo complained silently in his heart, but he still agreed to him. Moreover, since he has the ability, it doesn't matter if he saves someone's life!
Cynthia didn't make sense either, and headed to the X area that Rhodes mentioned with An Luo.

This area X is located under the central control room of the headquarters. There is a very hidden button, but a password is required to enter. Fortunately, Rhodes knows the password, so the two of them can enter without breaking the combination lock.

As soon as they walked in, An Luo and Cynthia were pointed at their heads by several armed men.

"Who are you?" A well-dressed young scholar wearing glasses looked at An Luo and Cynthia, and said doubtfully, "How do you know the password?"

"It was Rhodes who told us." An Luo said, "Are you the person in charge of the headquarters?"

"Yes, I am Cui Wei, the person in charge."

An Luo told Cui Wei the ins and outs of the matter. This person told them that the headquarters was attacked by a group of people, who not only took away all their research results, but also brought a large number of zombies, which made many people suffer. hurt.

"The question is how did they get in?" An Luo asked suspiciously, "Aren't your defense facilities very good?"

"That person is the ghost."

"Why doesn't the inner ghost know the password here? Didn't you know you were hiding here?" An Luo continued to ask.

"The only ones who know the password are me and Rhodes." Cui Wei showed a look of disgust on his face, "Why are you so annoying, girl? Just listen to what I say, why are you asking?"

"There are logical loopholes in your words! If I don't ask clearly, how will I know if you are lying to me?"

Cui Wei pushed his glasses and chuckled, "You're quite eloquent. Alright! Anyway, it's that inner ghost who isn't high enough to ruin everything here."

(End of this chapter)

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