Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 436 It's Dark, Please Don't Close Your Eyes

Chapter 436 It's Dark, Please Don't Close Your Eyes (06)
It seemed that Mr. Chai was indeed innocent.So, who is the real murderer?
An Luo carefully checked Mr. Chai's injury, and asked these young people to help him change the medicine, cook medicine and feed him.

These young people were also very moved, and they were not so wary of An Luo anymore.

"The meteor shower that day was really beautiful, but it's a pity that such a thing happened." Gong Zuo sighed.

"Isn't it? A meteor shower that occurs once in 30 years." Said the boy next to him.

An Luo smiled and asked them, "How do you know?"

"It's written in the village chronicle." The teenagers said in unison.

An Luo decided to read the village chronicles, maybe he would find something.

She thought the village chronicle would be in the village's ancestral hall, but the strange thing was that the village chronicle mentioned by the children was in a charred ruin.

"What is this place?" An Luo asked.

"I don't know, this area is very desolate, and no one usually comes here. Teacher Chai took us here to play, and found some books underground, which he said were village chronicles." Gong Zuo explained.

"Does the patriarch know?"

"Teacher Chai said that the adults in the village cannot be trusted, so don't tell them." Gong Zuo explained.

Among other things, this Teacher Chai is quite capable of brainwashing children, and he can actually make them distrust their parents. He definitely has intentions in coming to this village, but it is not necessarily true that he will kill someone.

An Luo looked through some remaining village chronicles and learned that Niutou Village has a history of hundreds of years, but all these materials only recorded a few days after a meteor shower 30 years ago.

During that time, what I didn't think was strange was that five injured foreigners came to their village, and there was no record of it later.

An Luo went back to find the patriarch calmly, and told him that he wanted to read the village chronicles to see if any special things had happened in the village. Maybe these recent events were related to these special things.

The team leader readily agreed, and took out the village chronicle to show An Luo a look.

The time of this book is from 30 years ago.

"Alas, a fire 30 years ago destroyed all the previous things. Fortunately, people were fine at that time." The patriarch said with a sigh.

An Luo looked through the village chronicles carefully and found something strange. Compared with the previous village chronicles, the communication with the outside world was obviously less. It can even be said that the village was not opened until the past 15 years, which means that there has been no marriage for 15 years. .

The patriarch's explanation was that the village was waiting for prosperity, and no one was willing to come.

At night, An Luo tossed and turned, thinking about the day's events, but he still couldn't figure it out, and always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, An Luo heard faint footsteps. Not long after, the door of her room was opened, and a cold light flashed. An Luo grabbed a person's wrist with his backhand, and pushed the person to the ground.

This person is Uncle Nine in the south of the village.

"Why did you kill Mr. Xiao Jiulang? Could it be that you are the murderer?" the patriarch asked.

Uncle Jiu replied, "Patriarch, I'm just looking for sex, not trying to kill her."

He killed him and said so, the patriarch had no choice but to imprison him.

The more An Luo thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was not that simple. Could it be that he really found some clues?
She decided to interrogate Uncle Jiu alone, in order to find something out.

An Luo put on a little make-up, pretending to be the scariest look in her memory, but after thinking about it, she went in again, because she was afraid of scaring the old man to death.

(End of this chapter)

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