Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 437 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes

Chapter 437 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes (07)

The dark little firewood room was where Uncle Jiu was imprisoned.An Luo approached on tiptoe, trying to scare him.The only regret is that I can't carry the BGM with me, and the effect is estimated to be mediocre.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached the woodshed, he heard someone talking inside.She listened carefully, it was Zechuan's voice.

"Hehe, do you think that you will be charged with a lesser crime if you say that you are interested in sex? It doesn't make sense to me." Ze Chuan's tone was indifferent, but there was no room for doubt.

"What do you want?" Uncle Jiu seemed to be trembling.

"I'll give you one chance. If you don't tell the truth, this knife will cut your throat."

silence. . .

"It seems that you don't care." Zechuan sneered, "I know you have a wife and children at home, if you dare to tell half a lie today, I will kill you, and then I will kill your family."

This, this Zechuan is the villain, right?

"I, I said, I was afraid that Mr. Xiao Jiulang would find out what we did back then." Uncle Jiu trembled even more.

"You mean that you wiped out the entire Niutou Village?" Zechuan asked.

"You... how do you know?" Uncle Jiu was terrified.

"You just need to tell me, where are the corpses buried?"

"At...at the foot of the mountain in the north of the village."

Ze Chuan came out of the firewood room, and just saw An Luo dressed as a ghost, and nodded: "This is a good appearance, and it may scare him to tell the truth. Have you heard it?"

An Luo was at a loss for words for a moment, and Ze Chuan took her hand and said, "What are you still doing in a daze, let's go to the north of the village."

In this way, they dug at the north end of the village for a whole night, and many bones were displayed in front of An Luo's eyes.

This is a mass grave.

An Luo summoned all the villagers and asked the patriarch what was going on.

However, the patriarch insisted that he didn't know at all.

Uncle Jiu also started to pretend to be crazy and stupid, and couldn't ask a word at all.

However, Teacher Chai rushed over and wailed in front of the pile of bones: "Father, mother, I finally found you!"

He pointed to the patriarch and said, "It's you who killed the whole village and occupied Niutou Village. This is the evidence of your murder. Back then, the people in the village saw you pitifully and took you in, but you repaid your kindness with revenge."

The patriarch said angrily: "I think you are bewitching people and slandering us, Dasuke, arrest him!"

Dasuke is the security captain of the village. To An Luo's surprise, Dasuke took out a knife and pierced Uncle Jiu's throat in an instant. Before everyone could react, he held the patriarch hostage and said to everyone: Everyone kneel down and kowtow to the ghosts of Niutou Village, otherwise I will kill the patriarch!"

"Dasuke! What are you doing?" the patriarch asked in horror.

"I'm not Daisuke at all. I'm a survivor of Niutou Village. When Daisuke went out to study, I killed him when he came back. I pretended to be him and went back to the village to seek revenge." Daisuke replied, "Finally, the five of you , I’ve already eliminated four of them, and it’s up to you, Lord Patriarch.”

The patriarch said: "No such thing, no."

"Then die!" Daisuke wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the patriarch's wife: "Dasuke, stop!"

"Ma'am, what do you want to say?" Daisuke asked.

"The patriarch, he has lost his memory, what you said is the truth."

The patriarch's expression became distorted: "No, there is no such thing, no."

Daisuke let him go, let the patriarch go crazy, and couldn't help crying.

All the villagers in the village knelt down and wept softly.

(End of this chapter)

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