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Chapter 438 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes

Chapter 438 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes (08)

After the tragedy, several old people in the village stood up and said, "This is the end, and everything is irreparable. Daisuke and Xiaochai killed so many people in our village, and we want to avenge them!"

Several young people rush forward to catch Daisuke and Teacher Chai.

"Kill me if you want to, it has nothing to do with Xiaochai!" Daisuke roared angrily.

The patriarch, who had already collapsed, stood up and seemed to have calmed down a lot. He said in a low but firm voice, "All of you outsiders must not leave. This secret must never be known to others."

The patriarch's wife asked in surprise: "Master patriarch, have you recovered your memory?"

"Yes, I remembered." The patriarch's eyes showed no hesitation, "I swore that I would give my clansman a good life, no matter what the price."

An Luo Xiao Jiulang laughed.

Everyone felt that it was inappropriate to laugh like this at this moment, and even Daisuke was stunned.

The patriarch's face was distorted with anger: "Mr. Xiao Jiulang, you are dying, what's so funny?"

An Luo looked at him contemptuously: "This is the first time I've heard that the so-called paying the price is to kill other irrelevant people. You are really generous to others!"

"What do you know!" The patriarch became furious, "Do you know what kind of life my people lived before? It was a life like hell, have you ever seen it?"

An Luo laughed harder: "If you talk about hell, no one is more familiar with it than me." She restrained her emotions in an instant, looked at the patriarch fiercely and said, "This is not a reason to kill at all! It's not that you will The reason why people from a village go to hell! Speaking of which, I hate people like you the most. You want to be a bad person and make excuses for yourself, bah!"

"Pay attention to quality! Mr. Kokuro!" Zechuan said angrily.

The patriarch ordered: "Tie them up, throw them into this pit, and set them on fire!"

"Father! Stop!" The voice of a crying girl, this is Gong Zuo, the patriarch's daughter.

She rushed over, stopped in front of An Luo, and said to the patriarch: "Father, we were wrong, let us surrender and atone for our sins! I don't want to live in such a life! The village is too depressing! I have never Knowing why this is, I didn't understand it until today. Father, I can't accept it, I don't want to live like this."

The patriarch slapped Gong Zuo on the face, and several young people rushed over to support Gong Zuo.

"You, what are you doing?" The patriarch turned pale in shock, "How dare you disobey the patriarch's words? Do you know if this is treason?"

However, these young people are uncompromising, and even their parents' scolding is indifferent.

At this time of chaos, a group of officers and soldiers appeared from nowhere and surrounded the entire village.

"Mr. Patriarch, you surrender!" Ze Chuan stood up, "Inspector Sophia already knows everything about you, you can't escape!"

An Luo was surprised, who is Detective Sophia?Sounds like a female detective, interesting.

A small team leader ran up to An Luo and saluted: "Report to Inspector Sophia! The deployment has been completed according to your instructions, please instruct!"

"Take away both the patriarch and Mr. Daisuke, and the others will directly interrogate here!" Seeing that An Luo was stunned, Ze Chuan said to the team leader.

"Obey! Your Excellency Xiao Jiulang!" The team leader saluted and returned to the team to deploy.

(End of this chapter)

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