Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 439 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes

Chapter 439 It’s Dark, Please Don’t Close Your Eyes (09)

An Luo was already in a trance, what was going on?

During the chaotic period of arresting people, Ze Chuan went to An Luo and said, "Should we change our identities now? Detective Sophia? But speaking of it, this cosplay is still very interesting, and you pretended to be pretty good!"

An Luo's eyes went black with anger, and she fainted on the ground. In a trance, she seemed to hear Ze Chuan's anxious voice: "Hey, An Luo, are you okay?"

When she woke up again, Zechuan, no, it was the real famous detective Kokuro, to be precise, Mr. Xuanyu Kokuro was looking at her with concern: "You finally woke up, and you actually slept for a whole day, As for being so stimulated?"

An Luo didn't have time to answer him, because her system was also awakened.

【The task this time is to complete various cases. You will get reasoning points for each completed case.An Luo, from now on, you are the Goddess of Reasoning! 】

"You are really flattering me!" An Luo almost cried. For himself who solved the incident violently, reasoning is a bit hard work!
The system didn't hear the implication, or people didn't care at all.

Original owner name: Sophia
Status: Detective of the No. [-] Police Station in M ​​City, and the only female detective in the city
Age: 26 years old, can be regarded as young and promising.

Marital status: Unmarried, speaking of such an identity, the suitors have to think about it, right?

Cause of death: Assassinated, the murderer is unknown, so there should be potential danger, right?

System [Almost forgot, you need to find out the murderer!Otherwise you will still die]

Is not this nonsensical?Can he live in peace without finding out the murderer?
Not only that, but the memory of the original owner also began to recover.

The situation at that time was like this, Sophia received an anonymous letter, which described the tragedy of Niutou Village 30 years ago, and hoped that the police could go to investigate.Originally, Sophia didn't need to investigate this matter personally, but the person who wrote the anonymous letter was pretty bad, saying that he also entrusted Mr. Kokuro at the same time.

Mr. Kokuro is very famous in the detective world, and he has been fighting with the police all the time. Because of his excellent reasoning ability, the police are disgraced every time, so the superior specially arranged for Sophia to set off in disguise, and must find out the truth of the incident before Kokuro , Fighting for the police.

Therefore, Sophia disguised herself and went to investigate. At the same time, she left a map for her subordinates and asked them to go to lurk in five days.

The matter of her going out is kept secret, and few people know about it.When passing by a nearby cliff, she suddenly found that there were traces of fighting here, and also picked up a package of Xiao Jiulang, which contained various documents of Xiao Jiulang, which made her suspect that Xiao Jiulang had an accident, so she tried to see if He fell off a cliff.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she was attacked by someone, not only stabbed several times, but also fell off the cliff.

After waking up, she was already An Luo, and she didn't remember anything at all. In addition to the system downtime, An Luo thought she was Xiao Jiulang, and was taken to Niutou Village by the young man who came to invite Xiao Jiulang to investigate this matter. thing.

And at this time, the real Mr. Kokuro, disguised as a migrant worker named Zechuan, came here to investigate this matter. Of course, at this time, Kokuro is already Xuanyu, and the original owner, Kokuro, has actually been killed .

After the resumption, An Luo became more sober, and said to Xiao Jiulang, "How is the situation now?"

(End of this chapter)

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