Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 441 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 441 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (01)
【Extra!Extra!The famous detective Kokuro solves a strange case again!The female detective Sophia lost all face. 】

"Crack!" The director slammed the newspaper, pointed at An Luo's nose and cursed, "Sophia, what's wrong with you? Next time, if Kokuro preempts you, you will automatically demote me!"

An Luo said unconvinced: "It's fine if we can solve the case. Why should we divide it up? In fact, this is the case we solved in theory, but Xiao Jiulang raised a key question..."

"Shut up! Get out!"

An Luo held back his anger, saluted, and returned to his office.

A beautiful boy is sitting leisurely on An Luo's office chair, drinking coffee.

He said he was a teenager, but the flowers on his shoulders indicated that his position was the same as that of An Luo, and that he was also a detective. In terms of age, he was actually slightly older, but his beautiful appearance made people forget his age and even his gender.

He is Inspector Grant, who is in charge of the second block. He was voted the most beautiful man in Country X back then, but he accidentally chose to become a police detective. It was also a sensation. What is more troublesome is that when handling cases, there are always a group of fans. The younger brother followed, causing the police station to deploy additional police forces to maintain order.

Originally, he and Sophia were just ordinary colleagues. Since An Luo became Sophia, this guy felt uncomfortable every day if he didn't come to have an awkward chat.Obviously, he is the charm of this world.

"The coffee is good, Inspector Sophia! Where did you buy it?" Inspector Glenn asked An Luo with a smile.

An Luo didn't bother to talk to him, and sat on the sofa in the office, covering his face with a newspaper, trying to calm himself down.

Grant asked: "Hey! Inspector Sophia! You are so rude, isn't it appropriate? How can I say that I am also your senior! Did you get scolded by the director?"

An Luo took down the newspaper and asked, "How do you know?"

"Hey, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles away. Just now, the director scolded so loudly that the whole police station spread." Gu Lan put down his coffee, came to An Luo's side, pushed her with his arm, and asked in a low voice. :
"Why are you so stupid? Just tell Xiao Jiulang, and he promises to give you all the credit. Why are you so stupid to PK with him? In the end, you were laughed at because you were a step too late. Look at me, don't mention the cooperation with Xiao Jiulang What a tacit understanding, he will share with me any news in time, even if he has any ideas, he will tell me and let me talk about it."

"How can I compare with you! You guys are brothers, what am I?" An Luo sighed, "Besides, my system grades according to the amount of evidence collected, so I have to work harder."

"That's right, you can fool other people, but you can't fool the system!" Ge Lan nodded, his eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had thought of some good idea, "There is a way, just ask him to give you a reminder?"

An Luo looked at him helplessly: "We can't count on him for everything, can we?"

Ge Lan patted An Luo's shoulder: "Miss, then you can do it yourself! By the way, next time you buy this kind of coffee, don't forget to give me a pack."

"Be careful that the ICAC investigates you!" An Luo said with a smile.

"Have you watched too many Hong Kong dramas? Where is the ICAC in this world? If you don't buy it, be careful, I will bite you." Gu Lan waved his hand and left.

An Luo was a little surprised, wondering in which world he started to drink coffee instead of blood.

I can't think of it for a while, and it's not useful to say anything.

At this moment, a little police detective ran in: "Report to the inspector, big, big incident, Lord Fiona, please!"

 In fact, this is equivalent to starting writing more than a year ago. The initial setting is that An Luo is the famous detective Kokuro, and Xuan Yu is the inspector Zechuan, which is the setting in the story of Niutou Village.But I didn’t expect it to be a bit similar to a recent popular drama. I’ve been chasing this drama recently. In order to avoid being affected by the drama on my thinking, I temporarily decided to change the setting and let An Luo be the detective. Xuan Yu is Xiao Jiulang, I believe it will not be affected in terms of character relationship and emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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