Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 442 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 442 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (02)
Earl Fiona's mansion is in the first block, not far from the royal palace.As Her Lady Queen's own younger sister, she is an absolute supporter of the Queen and the best candidate for the high position.

Today, Earl Fiona is the hottest figure in the world. According to gossip, she is now an important supporting force behind the queen.

It is also strange that such a big man summoned a small detective directly.At the very least, you should have a direct conversation with the director, right?
Although everyone in the police station was talking about it, An Luo didn't find it strange at all.After traveling through the world for so long, she has long been familiar with the breath of these people, or they are familiar with each other, no matter what the outer body is, the inner body is actually clear at a glance.When the Queen awarded the medal that day, she could tell that Duke Fiona was Nine Tails.

The only thing that surprised her was that Nine Tails had clearly said before that it was going to end the world shuttle, so why did it still appear in the fast travel world.

"Well, isn't it because I worry about you?" Earl Fiona whispered into An Luo's ear that day when she hugged her.

In the resplendent Duke's mansion, the Earl personally greeted An Luo at the door.

"Inspector Sophia, long time no see, you look even more beautiful!" Earl Fiona said enthusiastically.

"Where is it, in front of the Duke, I am really eclipsed!" An Luo was not far behind.

The count raised his eyebrows: "Not bad, there is progress."

She took An Luo's hand, walked through the long corridor, and entered the hall, where a maid brought refreshments.

After exchanging pleasantries, the earl got to the point: "Let me make a long story short, Baroness Anthony, the queen's close friend, died this morning."

The amount of information in this message is a bit large, and An Luo didn't know how to understand it for a while.

"The baron's mansion is in the third block, but I hope you will be in charge of this matter. The queen means that the cause of death must be found out, but their relationship should not be too publicized."

"Can I? Will the Inspector of the Third District agree?"

"No problem, this is my exclusive appointment letter, which I specially entrusted to you, and no one can object to it." The count said, and handed An Luo a letter.

An Luo put away the letter and asked about the baroness carefully.

Baroness: 31

Marital Status: Widowed

Child status: no
Born: Noble, but both parents died when he was young
Relationship with the Earl: Childhood friend, introduced by the Earl, met the Queen and became a close friend of the Queen
Cause of death: unknown

Discoverer: Kate, the baroness's maid, was originally the queen's maid, so she notified the queen immediately, but the police station has not yet been notified.

An Luo returned to the police station and handed the earl's appointment letter to the director.

The director turned pale with fright, and said to An Luo: "Sophia, this matter is entrusted to you, and you must handle it properly!"

"As ordered!"

The forensic doctor has already begun to inspect the baroness's bedroom.

The cause of death was suffocation, with strangle marks on the neck. The time of death was around 1:[-] in the morning. The door was closed and the window was open.

I just don't know what the original scene was like.

There are ten servants in the Baroness's mansion, including a butler, a coachman, a groom, a gardener, a doorman, a cook, and four maids, three of whom are doing chores, and one is a personal maid, namely Kate.

"Are you the first person to discover it? Tell me about the situation at that time." An Luo asked Kate.

(End of this chapter)

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