Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 443 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 443 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (03)

After careful questioning, during the period of time when the baroness died, no one in her house had an alibi.

No footprints were found outside the open window.

Everyone in this house has an independent room, and there is no way to prove each other. Even if they are in the same room, who can guarantee that the other party has not run out during the sleeping time?
Because he was worried that the baroness's letters would reveal her emotional experience, An Luo checked each letter personally.Fortunately, there is nothing about the Queen.

Her jewelry and clothes were indeed very luxurious, completely beyond her standards as a baroness, but as the outside world rumored, she was a close friend of the queen and the earl, and it was not surprising that she was given some priceless treasures.

treasure?Speaking of which, have any treasures been lost?

When she came back from the Duke's mansion, Duke Fiona gave her a list of treasures that the Queen gave to the Baroness, most of which were jewelry, such as a heart-shaped emerald necklace or a diamond bracelet.

"Is there anything missing from your house?" An Luo asked the attendants present.

Under the surveillance of the agents, the maid Kate inspected the baroness's dressing table and made it clear: "All the valuable jewelry has disappeared." She was right, all the jewelry on the list, An Luo didn't see any of them.

Is this robbery?Is it that simple?

"Send someone to track down the lost jewelry, and it may flow to an underground trading place." An Luo instructed.

But why are there no footprints outside?Could this thief still be able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground?
She inspected the room carefully and found that the ribbon beside the baroness's bed was unusual.

"Huh? Why is this ribbon crumpled?" She also vaguely saw some glittering powder on the ribbon.She asked the detective to remove the ribbon, seal it up, and show it to the forensic doctor to see if it was the murder weapon.Women in this era like a powder with shimmer, which can make the skin look radiant, but it is not easy to wash off.When she was looking at the body of the baroness just now, she also saw this kind of glittering powder, and there was also this type of powder on her dressing table.

After the investigation was over, An Luo ordered someone to guard the crime scene before leading the team back.

She was summarizing the documents of the day, and an agent reported: "Inspector, Mr. Xiao Jiulang is visiting!"

What is he here for?Did he know something?An Luo thought about it for a while, and felt that he could no longer passively provide him with information, but should take the initiative to obtain information from Xiao Jiulang and use it for himself.

Hmm, let's do it!

Mr. Xiao Jiulang walked in calmly, sat down on the sofa, and looked at An Luo with a smile.

An Luo was a little scared by him, and she tried to make herself look calmer: "Mr. Xiao Jiulang is here to visit, is there any news you want to share with me?"

"It's not like your style to grab a case! And I heard that the Duke summoned you today? Is there any connection between this?" Xiao Jiulang asked directly without politeness.

An Luo's face darkened, and the anger in his heart suddenly rose, and he wanted to say that Xiao Jiulang was meddling in his own business.But she held back.

All this time, she only cared about arguing with him, so she inadvertently revealed to him a lot of facts about the case that he shouldn't know.This time, she decided not to be impulsive and use her brain.

"Where did Mr. Xiao Jiulang get this information? Let me guess, if it's Inspector Glenn, it would be too boring, right? Or some other snitch from our police station?" Ann Luo took the initiative and asked a series of questions, trying to make him faint.

Xiao Jiulang knew that she was on guard, so he took the initiative to say to her: "I got some news, I hope it will help you." After speaking, he took out two pieces of paper from his arms and handed them to An Luo.

Here's the bill, the butler's bill.

(End of this chapter)

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