Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 445 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 445 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (05)
"My gardener really should check it out. He owed a lot of money because of playing cards, and I paid it back for him last year!" This is what the housekeeper said to An Luo.

"Didn't you say it sooner? Why didn't you say it when you asked someone in your family who was suspicious?" An Luo asked him pretending to be angry. After all, he had the momentum to test whether the other party was telling the truth.

The housekeeper said with a sneer, "It's better to have one thing less than one thing more!"

An Luo frowned: "A person like you is not suitable to be a housekeeper, right? Isn't a housekeeper just to take care of everything in the house?"

The butler didn't speak, but just lowered his head.

An Luo angrily ordered his subordinates to detain the housekeeper for two days. Although he may not be guilty, it is considered dereliction of duty, and it is not wrong to make him suffer a little in prison.

When he saw the gardener, he was pruning the branches and leaves in the garden. When he saw An Luo and his party, the gardener smiled: "Isn't this the Inspector? What's your business?"

"You can't talk about your work, Mr. Gardener, please explain, did you dig the soil under your wife's balcony on the night of the crime?" An Luo said openly.

The gardener counted carefully with his fingers, and said to An Luo with certainty: "Yes! That night, I turned over the soil for the garden at about one o'clock in the morning."


The gardener smiled wryly: "My lord, you don't know. This lady likes jasmine the most. I couldn't sleep and went out for a walk in the middle of the night. I happened to see that the jasmine flowers under the balcony of the lady fell down for some reason. I was afraid that the lady would get up in the morning. If you scold me, I pull out all these flowers, then turn over the soil, and plan to plant new flowers the next day. That way, if Madam asks, I can say that these flowers need to be taken care of again."

This reason is a bit far-fetched, but the baroness doesn't work hard and doesn't distinguish between food and grain, so it's normal to believe his nonsense.

The gardener went on to say: "When something happened the next day, I realized that I might have damaged the scene, so I didn't dare to talk about it."

An Luo was so angry that his teeth were itchy. How could this gardener be so irresponsible like the housekeeper?Can such a house not attract thieves?

"Come here!" An Luo called two little detectives over, "You two take him back, torture him and interrogate him, and ask me all about this!"'

"Yes! Lord Inspector!"

She asked the gardener again: "Tell you, your behavior is clearly to help the criminal destroy the traces, and I have reason to suspect that after you killed yourself, you climbed out of the balcony, then turned the soil, and pretended to be a criminal." Act innocent. Therefore, we will be lenient when we confess, and strict when we resist. We will not wrong a good person, and we will never let a bad person go!"

A series of lines learned from playing cop movies in the first world, and now finally come in handy.

An Luo himself took a few detectives to search for clues in the small yard where the gardener lived.This flower lives in a corner of the garden. It is a very chic small courtyard. There are some tools for weeding and pruning, as well as seeds, flower seedlings and so on. It looks like a place where professionals live.

As soon as he entered the door, An Luo met a familiar figure from behind. . .It's Xuan Yu, that is, Mr. Kokuro.Beside him was a tall girl with a pretty face.

This girl has long chestnut curly hair, fair skin, bright eyes and white teeth, wearing a simple long dress, but still looks extraordinary.

Next to him, Kokuro was talking, while the girl was taking notes seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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