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Chapter 446 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 446 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (06)
"Isn't this the famous detective, Mr. Xiao Jiulang?" An Luoluo said jokingly, "You gave us the clues from the housekeeper, so it's unreasonable to check the gardener yourself?"

Xiao Jiulang smiled slightly: "Inspector Sophia's words are wrong. This investigation is done step by step. If you don't investigate the housekeeper, how can you know about the gardener?"

An Luo thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, and there seemed to be something wrong, so he had to say to him: "Mr. Xiao Jiulang, as a good citizen, if you find any clues, you should share them with our agents first, right?"

Kokuro waved his hand; "As far as I know, Detective Sophia has not formally hired me as a consultant for the detectives, so I naturally have no obligation to share clues."

"Oh, really?" An Luo thought in his heart that this guy threatened me, so I don't believe there is no way to cure you.She waved her hand, "Come here, take these two people back. The detective suspects that they broke into the house and destroyed the evidence!"

The detectives were still a little hesitant. One of the detectives who had been testing An Luo's bottom line recently said to An Luo, "Inspector, he is a famous detective who has been rewarded by the Queen."

An Luo slapped him across the face: "What nonsense! A good person can't become a bad person? Catch me!"

The detectives were taken aback. Since Detective Sophia took office, the detectives have not dared to cause trouble because of their habitual style. I have the illusion of bullying, so I often have some thorns.At first, An Luo didn't care much, but after a long time, it would affect his work, so today can be regarded as an example to others.

Several detectives hurried over to arrest Xiao Jiulang and the girl.

The girl hurriedly ran to An Luo and handed the notes in her hand to An Luo: "Inspector Sophia, please calm down, Mr. Kokuro is joking with you! Just now he said that I should record the investigation results in detail, and I will do it later." I will send it to you personally!"

An Luo took the note and looked at it carefully. It really clearly recorded all the investigation content. She took the note, waved the agents to let Xiao Jiulang go, and said to the girl: "That's right! Cooperate well." , the detective will not treat you badly! By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Huaying, and I'm Mr. Xiao Jiulang's assistant." The girl smiled sweetly, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

An Luo came to a sudden, a thought flashed like a flash, and blurted out: "Sister?"

Hua Ying was stunned, Xiao Jiulang pulled An Luo over, and said with a smile: "How is it? My assistant is very clever, isn't she? I just joked with you, don't be angry."

An Luo knew that she had lost her composure just now, and this flower shadow must be An Qi, but she should have no memory of herself, and there is no need for her to know too much, so she stepped down the donkey and nodded: "Since Mr. Xiao Jiulang has Sincerity, then I am also willing to formally cooperate with Mr. Xiao Jiulang, as long as the case is solved, the honor belongs to you and the credit belongs to me."

"Ok, deal!"

The gardener has no special evidence here, but there are several very strange accounts. He has always gambled a lot and owed a lot of foreign debts, but he has recently paid them off. Not only that, but also some deposits.

Who gave him the money?
An Luo took a closer look at the bills, only to find traces of glitter on them.

Was it given to him by a woman?

"Who gave you the money?" An Luo asked the gardener carefully after returning.

"It's the butler."

(End of this chapter)

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