Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 447 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 447 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (07)
Going around and back to the original point, it seems that I can't get out of the tricky relationship between the housekeeper and the gardener.

An Luo was very annoyed, and tortured the two of them again, making sure that the gardener found out about the housekeeper's private meeting with the maid, and threatened to tell the housekeeper's wife, so the housekeeper gave the gardener money several times, trying to keep him silent.

"It turned out to be blackmail, and locking you up for a month is not too much!" An Luo said to the gardener, "Unless you have some valuable clues to give me, maybe I can plead for you in front of the judge. For example, were these bills given to you by the housekeeper himself, or were they given to you by someone else?"

"It's Madam's personal maid, Kate. She is the one who has a private meeting with the butler."

He was the first to discover it!
An Luo asked the agents to bring Kate back for interrogation.

"It's not good, Inspector!" A young detective ran in in a panic and said.

An Luo scolded: "Will you talk? Who's wrong?"

The little detective managed to catch his breath before replying, "That Kate, her house is on fire, and there is no way to save her."

"Then if Kate is the murderer, wouldn't there be no investigation for this case?" An Luo felt very sad, and the clues that were finally found were cut off like this, which was really reconciled.

She came to Kate's house and found that all the belongings had been burned, so there was no need to check.

In fact, in this case, sometimes the case can be closed by saying that the murderer died accidentally, but An Luo felt that the matter was not that simple.

Now that Kate's line is broken, let's start with the other maids and check everyone, from family background to interpersonal relationship, and check again.

After a busy day, An Luo asked the detectives to go home to rest, and brought them to Mr. Kokuro's detective agency, intending to review the current situation with him. Sometimes, it's not a big deal to admit that one's ability is limited. Shame.At least for now, An Luo comforted himself in this way.

After all, he is a world-renowned detective, and Kokuro's house is very grand. Fortunately, An Luo's own house is also a mansion passed down to her by Sophia's family, which is not inferior.

As soon as she entered the door, Huaying enthusiastically came over, invited An Luo to sit down, poured mellow scented tea, and brought fragrant snacks.

"Inspector Sophia, do you add milk or sugar?" Huaying asked.

"Both." An Luo replied, "Where is Mr. Xiao Jiulang?"

"Sir, he is meeting with guests in the study, please wait a moment." After speaking, Huaying went upstairs to the study.

"Thank you!" An Luo looked at the background of Huaying, swallowing thousands of words.She didn't know whether Huaying knew about the travel of the world, whether she had memory or not, and she didn't know whether Huaying knew that An Luo knew all these things.Since she didn't say anything, then she just pretended to be stupid.

What's more, with the vicissitudes of life now, the years of being together when we were young are long gone. In fact, we don't know what kind of disposition each other is today, and it's better not to talk.

After about a quarter of an hour, the door of the study opened wide, and the person who came out was not Xiao Jiulang, but Inspector Grant from the second block.

When he saw An Luo, he was not surprised at all, but smiled meaningfully: "Inspector Sophia is also here to ask for help? Let me tell you, Mr. Xiao Jiulang's consultation fee is very expensive. Our police station can only reimburse 10%, and the rest You have to pay for it yourself.”

Before An Luo could think about it, Huaying had already come to ask An Luo to go upstairs.

Xiao Jiulang was at the desk, looking at a stack of files, saw An Luo coming in, and said, "It seems that today's fire has dealt a heavy blow to Inspector Sophia, and you actually came to ask me for advice?"

(End of this chapter)

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