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Chapter 448 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 448 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (08)
An Luo glanced at Xiao Jiulang's files. It seemed that they were not related to the case at hand. Before she could see clearly, Xiao Jiulang put away these files.

"Inspector Sophia, it's not good to peek at other people's files, right?"

An Luo didn't want to argue with him, so he went straight to the point: "Which direction should we investigate now? What suggestion does Mr. Xiao Jiulang have?"

"It was Kate who stole the baroness's jewelry, afraid of being discovered, and conspired with the housekeeper to kill the baroness."

"Is there already a conclusion?" An Luo said in surprise, "So simple?"

"Is it simple? Now there is no evidence, even if you can report Kate as the murderer, do you have evidence to sue the housekeeper?" Kokuro put away his smile and asked seriously.

"Well, I really don't have one, mainly because I can't find the whereabouts of the Baroness's jewelry."

"Aren't you worried that the jewelry will be burned?"

"Didn't it mean that real gold is not afraid of fire? I didn't find any real gold today, which shows that the jewelry hasn't been burned."

Huaying brought snacks and tea, and said to An Luo: "Inspector Sophia, please drink tea, this is your favorite rose milk tea."

After Huaying left, An Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Xiao Jiulang suspiciously: "How does she know that I like drinking rose milk tea? I don't even know."

"It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. If she thinks you like it, you should like it."

"What if I say I don't like it?"

"Hehe, then you can try." Xiao Jiulang had a bitter smile on his face.

"Sick, sick and delicate?"

Kokuro was noncommittal.

An Luo took a sip of rose tea and asked Xiao Jiulang: "Kate is the baroness's personal maid. There is no conflict between the two. How could they kill the baroness? The housekeeper is not short of money, and it seems impossible to covet her." Money! And we have checked his property, and there is no problem."

"This kind of case is nothing more than love, hatred, and wealth. If there is neither hatred nor wealth, could it be love? What's more, there is no conflict between them, and there is actually no evidence, right?"

"Love? Hatred?"

"I'm sorry, my mind is a little messed up." An Luo felt a little headache, "I can't figure out the relationship. Anyway, thank you, Mr. Xiao Jiulang, for your suggestion. I'll check it out!"

After speaking, An Luo hurriedly said goodbye.

Before leaving, Huaying was cutting fruit, holding a knife in her hand and asked her, "Is the rose milk tea delicious?"

An Luo said nervously: "It's delicious, I like it very much!" If you say you don't like it, who knows what will happen?
"As long as you like it! Inspector Sophia is welcome to come and play often."

Back in the office, An Luo felt a little tired. In fact, she understood what Xiao Jiulang said about love, but she couldn't say it.

The baroness is a close friend of the queen, Kate is the contact of both parties, the butler is Kate's lover, the gardener discovered the relationship between the butler and Kate, and threatened the butler. Later, the baroness was killed, Kate was also killed, and the gardener had been killed Catch, the biggest suspect now is indeed the butler.

But there is a problem, how did the baroness provoke them?
In the evening, An Luo got off work and changed into casual clothes.At the door, Huaying seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Hua Ying? Are you waiting for Inspector Glenn?" An Luo asked her.

"No, I'm waiting for you, Mr. Xiao Jiulang asked me to go out with you today to relax."

"Where are you going?" An Luo was stunned, what's the matter?She felt that she knew nothing about her sister and didn't want to be alone with her.

"At the opera house, a famous play is being staged recently, which is your favorite "Magic"."

"My favorite? How do you know?" An Luo asked curiously.

"Mr. Kokuro has your file! It's very detailed!" Huaying replied.

"Ah?" An Luo suddenly realized that these are Sophia's favorite things, so Xiao Jiulang deliberately teased her today, damn it!
(End of this chapter)

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