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Chapter 449 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 449 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (09)
The Royal Opera House that Huaying took An Luo to was the most frequented place for the dignitaries in the city.

"The tickets are expensive, right? We can't reimburse you here!" An Luo came to this opera house for the first time, looking at this magnificent building, he was a little nervous.

"Mr. Xiao Jiulang means that there should be no problem paying the two tickets with Inspector Sophia's salary." Huaying said, shaking the tickets in his hand.

An Luo took it over and took a look. The box on the second floor was expensive.She couldn't help but feel heartbroken when she thought that all these expenses would be paid out of her own salary.

After entering the box and taking a seat, a waiter brought refreshments and asked, "I don't know what to call the two ladies?"

"You can call me Sophia. This is my friend, Huaying." An Luo reported her family background. As a female detective, she is well-known in this city, and she will be recognized sooner or later. There is no need to hide her identity, let alone What's more, if you want to do research yourself, you need to gain the trust and cooperation of others.

People who have no ghosts in their hearts will do nothing to the inspector. Instead, they are willing to be good citizens and share important information; if people have ghosts in their hearts, when they hear this name and think of this identity, the expression at that moment is also intriguing. up.

The waiter suddenly realized, and asked An Luo in a low voice: "The inspector is here to investigate the case of the Baroness?"

"You also know the Baroness?" An Luo asked him.

"The Baroness likes to listen to opera very much. She often comes to our theater with Miss Kate. Every time she stays in this box, alas...it's a pity."

"Is there any conflict between their master and servant?"

"How could it be? They have always had a very good relationship. They don't look like masters and servants, but sisters." The waiter replied.

"What kind of drama do they usually like to watch?"

"As long as it's an opera that Alison is in, they'll watch it."

"Alison?" An Luo felt that the name was very familiar, and suddenly remembered that her name was on the ticket.

Alison is the most famous opera singer today. In recent years, she has signed a contract with the Royal Theater and is deeply loved by the nobles in the city.

An Luo decided to go see Ms. Alison.

"The opera is about to start, Inspector Sophia, if you have any questions, it's better to wait until the opera is over."

An Luoke was worried about nights and dreams, and said that he just wanted to see Ms. Alison, and a few words would be enough.

Backstage, Alison, a popular opera singer, has her makeup done and is reading a script.After introducing himself, An Luo asked him, "Ms. Alison, are you familiar with Baroness Anthony?"

"The baroness liked my performance very much. She also met me backstage several times and gave me many gifts." Alison said, looking at a necklace on the dressing table.

An Luo glanced at it, feeling that something was wrong, and asked her, "Is this necklace given to you by the baroness?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"No no."

Back in the box, An Luo concentrated on listening to the opera, thinking about the relationship.

The necklace just now was clearly one of the precious ornaments given to the Baroness by the Queen. Why did the Baroness give it to Alison?The Baroness always goes to the opera with Kate, so Kate should also know about the gift of jewelry, why didn't she talk about it that day?Where are the other jewelry?

The opera "Magic" tells the tragic story of a girl who is willing to become a demon in order to save her relatives.

The last scene should be the girl played by Alison drinking poisoned wine, seeking relief, the curtain fell, and the play ended.

However, after the curtain fell, An Luo heard shouts. She felt that something was wrong, and hurried to the stage with Huaying, only to realize that Alison was dying.What she drank was really poisonous wine.

"Ms. Alison, cheer up!" An Luo rushed over to rescue her, but Alison grabbed her hand and said with the last bit of strength: "I poisoned myself, I will accompany the Baron Madame."

(End of this chapter)

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