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Chapter 450 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 450 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (10)
"Sophia, what's the matter with you? Now it's rumored that we scared the popular opera singer to commit suicide! Give me an explanation!" The director was furious.

An Luo was also very frustrated. She was angry that she couldn't see Alison's intention to commit suicide, and she watched such a bright star quietly fall.

"Where is the suicide note? Didn't you say there is a suicide note? Now the newspapers and media are asking if there is a suicide note!" The director asked eagerly.

"What does it matter to them? There is a suicide note, but the content is private!" An Luo said angrily.

A suicide note was found in Alison's drawer, but she wasn't sure whether the contents could be made public, and she planned to ask Earl Fiona before saying so.

"Sophia, pay attention to your attitude!" The director slapped the table, "No matter what privacy it is, you should tell me, right?"

An Luo suppressed his anger and told himself that the director is not an enemy, but just a little stupid, so he calmed down: "Master Director, it's not that I don't want to report in detail, the main reason is that the Earl specially appointed me for this case, and I choose to report it at this stage." private."

The director weighed who was more powerful between the newspaper office and the earl, and after 30 seconds he regained his kind smile: "That's right, then Sophia, when you see the earl, you must report this matter, my side I will also send people to cooperate with you.”

In Alison's suicide note, she wrote that she and Baroness Anthony were really in love.After the Baroness died, she received an invitation from Kate, saying that the Lady had something for her.So she went to Kate's residence and got a large box of expensive jewelry from the lady.Alison was so moved that she decided to leave with the Baroness after the performance.

According to the suicide note, the other jewelry was placed in the safe of Alison's home. Now An Luo has arranged for people to ambush at Alison's home to see if anyone will go to pick up the jewelry.

In this way, Alison is completely innocent, and Kate is trying to put the blame on her, and it may also be to hide the stolen goods.

Earl Fiona trembled with anger when she saw the suicide note (handwritten version), and said nothing.An Luo was worried that she would tear up the suicide note in anger, so he didn't give her the original copy.

After a long time, she returned the suicide note to An Luo and said, "Let's make it public, there is nothing related to the above anyway. But, I'm afraid someone is going to get angry. Really, it's a foolish mistake!"

An Luo didn't expect the situation to become more and more complicated. She didn't even know if there was something wrong with the setting of this world. Why is the relationship line so complicated?
Unexpectedly, as soon as she returned to the office, she saw Xiao Jiulang sitting on her office chair, and Inspector Gülen sitting on the desk as always, enchantingly.

Seeing An Luo's return, her agent hurried over and said, "Report to Inspector, according to your instructions, we ambushed at Alison's house and captured the housekeeper."

"Where is he?"

"It has been locked up and is waiting for your interrogation."

"Then what happened to these two people? Who let them in?" An Luo pointed to Xiao Jiulang and asked them.

The little detective looked innocent: "Detective, please spare me, I'm a soft-spoken person, I can't afford to offend these two!"

An Luo shook his head helplessly, walked into the office and asked, "You two also want to interrogate the housekeeper?"

Grant jumped down from the table and said, "I'm not interested. I see that you haven't come back yet. It's inconvenient for Mr. Xiao Jiulang to be alone in our police station office. It's just a chat with him. I have something to do, let's go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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