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Chapter 451 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age

Chapter 451 The Female Inspector of the Steam Age (11)
Unexpectedly, everything went much smoother than expected.Whether it is witnesses, physical evidence, motives, and timelines, they are all in line.

Kate was originally a servant of the Queen, but in order to facilitate the communication between the Queen and the Baroness, she was rewarded by the Queen to the Baroness.

During the period of living in the baroness's house, she gradually developed a relationship with the housekeeper. However, what she didn't know was that the housekeeper was actually a retired gangster who had stolen countless treasures, and thus had a rich family background. , has been coveting the Baroness's jewelry for a long time, and has been secretly looking for opportunities.

But in the past year, Kate discovered that the Baroness had developed feelings for Alison, which made her very annoyed, mainly for the Queen.

The baroness noticed this, she wanted to break up with the queen, but she didn't dare to mention it, and she had a dispute with Kate, who had been hesitant, and was killed by Kate in a rage.

Kate hurriedly arranged the scene, and decided to take away the precious jewelry, pretending to be robbery.

Although An Luo didn't notice anything strange, the butler who was very familiar with the two noticed Kate's strangeness. He went to Kate's residence to share the jewelry with her, but found that Kate had already given Alison the jewelry.

This can't help but make the butler guess that Kate and Alison conspired, so they killed Kate and planned to steal Alison's jewelry.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that Alison actually committed suicide.

People are not as good as heaven, everyone has their own plans, but the variables are too great.

"Inspector Sophia, congratulations on another meritorious service. Is this a promotion? Although it is said that there is no, but the bonus is definitely indispensable. There is the Queen's Special Award!" The director is very happy, but An Luo still feels very confused Circle, it seems that this reasoning and case handling still needs to learn more.

Surprisingly, Xiao Jiulang did not show too much of his achievements this time, and in the end he still seemed to stay out of the matter.According to An Luo's observation, he didn't really want to get involved with the queen's direct affairs, or maybe he didn't want to get involved with Earl Fiona.

Of course, the relationship between Earl Fiona and him is also tense now.Because she has no personal interests with An Luo, she didn't care too much.

In this way, in this era of steam, An Luo cautiously handled various cases in front of the detective.Fortunately, most cases are not so complicated, and catching a murderer is An Luo's strong point, so it is not difficult for her to maintain the safety of one party as a detective.

A few years later, An Luo left this world.The lives of other people are also uneventful, without any suspense.

"How many years has my self-destruction been delayed?" An Luo asked the system.

[An Luo, congratulations, the crimes of the four major demon kings have been exonerated, and the self-explosion has been relieved.Your space-time travel mission has been completed, and you can return to your own world. 】

"My world? What about Xuanyu! He's back too?"

【Sorry, I'm only in charge of your system, I don't know about other people's affairs】

Xuan Yu's memory has recovered 70%, he still needs to wander in various worlds, but these memories are enough.

In another space, Xuan Yu said to his own system: "When this shuttle is over, will everything return to normal?

【Will do】

"What about An Luo? What will happen to her?"

【sorry, I do not know】

(End of this chapter)

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