Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 453: A Super Girl Enters the Immortal Gate

Chapter 453 A Thousand-Level Girl Enters the Immortal Gate (02)
An Luo was amazed by his own strength. This feeling was unprecedented. It seemed that tens of thousands of years of practice had finally been released.

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. This extremely oppressive momentum seemed to burn the entire Qihuang Mountain to the ground.

Huh?Why don't you try it!
She was gathering strength when she suddenly heard someone shout: "Stop!"

An Luo put away his strength and followed his reputation. He was a middle-aged man who looked like an immortal. He seemed to be extremely powerful.

Judging from his appearance, this man vaguely looked familiar to An Luo, as if he had seen him somewhere, but he hadn't seen him in Qihuang Mountain before.An Luo had seen the immortals behind him before, and they were all Zeng Xuanyu's subordinates.

"Girl, what enmity do I have with you at Qihuang Mountain? Why did you use lightning to destroy the mountain?" The man's tone was mild, and An Luo didn't feel disgusted.

She smiled: "I have no enmity with Qihuang Mountain, I just want to test my strength!"

"who are you?"

"My name is An Luo, and I used to be Xuan Yu's sealing magic weapon, so this Qihuang Mountain can be regarded as my former home! I just transformed into a human form, and I saw that Xuan Yu's palace has been abandoned, obviously he is no longer here Yes, I don't think there is any need to stay. By the way, who are you?"

As soon as An Luo's words fell, the immortals behind the man seemed a little excited, and one of them said, "An Luo? Has she turned into a human form? Did she cultivate all these years?"

"Will it blow itself up?"

The man looked at her suspiciously: "You really look a bit like An Luo. Hmph, don't you worry that Xuanyu is in the new palace now? Or maybe he can't find his palace when he comes back after a while, what should I do? "

An Luo asked suspiciously: "Why do you care so much? Have you seen me? Who are you? Do you know where Xuan Yu is?"

"I am Xuan Yu's father, the Immortal of Seven Phoenix Mountain." The man replied, he took a step forward and asked, "An Luo, you don't remember me?"

When he said this, An Luo remembered that at the beginning, it was this man who found the two sealing stones of her and An Qi, and sealed the charm with his own hands.

"It's you? Didn't you disappear? Why did you come back?"

The man smiled: "It seems that you don't know the meaning of Xuanyu's traveling through the world. He just wants to find us and save his brother."

An Luo had already vaguely sensed that Xuanyu's travel through the myriad worlds was inextricably linked to the fate of all of them, but thinking that Xuanyu completely ignored her possible self-destruction, she just cared about herself like this It made An Luo very sad to save his relatives.

"It seems that he has succeeded. You should have reunited, right? Where is the evil spirit? Where is Xuan Yu?"

"Qimei is still in Huangquan. I don't know where Xuan Yu is. He may not have returned. An Luo, everyone in Qihuang Mountain was worried that you would explode yourself, so they emptied the old palace and rebuilt a new one. Now, since you are safe and sound, why not go back with me so that everyone can feel at ease?"

An Luo thought for a while and said to him: "Do you want me to be a guest in the palace of Qihuang Mountain? Or do you want me to continue to be a slave to your family?"

"Slave words are serious. An Luo, you are naturally my guest of honor at Qihuang Mountain, and Xuan Yu's mother has always missed you very much! Please!"

Since it was personally invited by Shangxian, it was really disrespectful.

(End of this chapter)

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