Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 454: A Super Girl Enters the Immortal Gate

Chapter 454 A Thousand-Level Girl Enters the Immortal Gate (03)
An Luo thought about it for a while, and felt that he really hated Qihuang Mountain. Even if he had a good impression of Xuanyu and Meimei's mother, he really didn't want to go to their palace.

So she said to the Shangxian of Qihuang Mountain: "The invitation from the Shangxian was originally disrespectful. However, I finally got a real body, and I really want to fly out to play, so I will meet my aunt again when I have a chance!"

An Luo made a farewell gesture and flew into the air.

Unexpectedly, those immortals from Qihuang Mountain also followed and surrounded An Luo.

She looked at Shangxian and asked, "Shangxian, what does this mean?"

"An Luo, you were found by this king back then, and now you are in human form, and you are also from my Seven Phoenix Mountain. Over the years, no one has taught you, if you go out to cause trouble, isn't it my Seven Phoenix Mountain's responsibility? Shangxian said sternly, "Just now, you almost destroyed Qihuang Mountain. It can be seen that you have no good thoughts in your heart, and you must receive education!"

An Luo felt that he was about to have a heart attack. It would be better to really destroy Qihuang Mountain just now. There are no good people here!It's annoying!
She sneered: "Shangxian, you really look like a father! I just want to send you a word! Yes! You! Care?"

In an instant, overcast clouds filled the sky again, and a thunderbolt struck the entire Qihuang Mountain.

All the immortals panicked, including the immortals on Qihuang Mountain, and worked together to resist this power.Finally, huge energy was released in the sky, and the shock wave seemed to be able to travel hundreds of miles away.

An Luo also took advantage of the chaos and flew away from Qihuang Mountain.

After thousands of years, I finally left this group of people, and I suddenly felt so free, but this time I have made a knot with them, right?

An Luo thought for a while and laughed: Actually, it doesn't matter even if they are enemies, they are all a bunch of annoying people anyway.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, An Luo came to a small town, where she bought some clothes and found an inn to live in.Fortunately, not only the level of force is there, but also the money accumulated over the years is there, so he can be considered to be able to live comfortably in the future.

During the meal, An Luo asked the shopkeeper about the current era, and after roughly figuring out the situation in the world, he asked about the strange legends around here.

I heard that there is a strange mountain near here, which has been covered with dark clouds since ancient times. Even the immortals dare not approach it. No one knows what is going on.

When he said this, An Luo also remembered that there was indeed such a place, and Xuan Yu took her to see it before, of course at that time she was just a sealing magic weapon he carried with him.

An Luo repaired a bit, and came to the mountain. It was really creepy from a distance, and it was even more shocking than it was a few years ago.

In fact, this black energy is also very simple, it is magic energy.Immortal Qi and Demonic Qi competed against each other. In the Immortal World, all the devilish Qi retreated to this mountain, and over time it became a place where no one dared to approach.

However, An Luo has the physique that can absorb all auras. It is not difficult for her to absorb these demonic auras. Xuanyu once had this idea, but she was afraid that this demonic aura would be used by the four demon kings. Therefore, I did not dare to implement it rashly.

"Now that I have nothing to worry about, why don't I give it a try? If it succeeds, this mountain will belong to me." An Luo also decided to give it a try with the idea of ​​turning a bicycle into a motorcycle.

The ten thousand realms of practice over the years are not useless. For An Luo, the improvement in ability is very large. Coupled with her original special physique, she can absorb the devilish energy of the entire mountain without any effort.

(End of this chapter)

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