Chapter 14 Insatiable Greed
The 27th floor of Chenguang Group is dedicated to the president's meeting room. There is nothing else on this huge floor except for the huge and amazing meeting room, and the luxury of this meeting room has really opened Zhang Ling's eyes.

Although he has seen the splendor of the Heavenly Court before, the conference room in front of him actually makes him feel like returning to the fairy palace. It seems that Mr. Li Chenguang still pays attention to ostentation.

But what surprised him most was not the environment, but the people. When he and Su Qingmei pushed open the huge carved wooden door, two rows of neatly dressed men and women stood on both sides of the door. He and Su Qingmei bowed to both of them at the same time.

Zhang Ling looked at these serious men and women with great interest and asked: "These people are..."

Before he finished speaking, he received a blank stare from Su Qingmei, which meant to tell him not to talk nonsense, but to Su Qingmei's surprise, Li Chenguang, who was always supercilious, replied: "Oh, these People are the exclusive lawyers of the group, and they will be there every time an order of more than ten million is signed!"

Zhang Ling nodded suddenly and didn't say anything else, just sat down under the guidance of a beautiful OL!

But as soon as he sat down, he felt an extremely unfriendly gaze staring at him. He turned his head and saw a man in his early thirties with gold-rimmed glasses looking at him coldly, and beside him Fu Zongping, who had a relationship with Zhang Ling, was sitting there!
At this time, Fu Zong was ashamed, his eyes were full of panic and uneasiness, he was so haggard that he had no human figure, and behind him was a woman lying on a broom and yawning. It seemed that Ma Zhaodi was going to take care of Mr. Fu Da It's very "thoughtful".

"This is a letter of intent for cooperation. If there are no problems, sign the contract!" Li Chenguang pushed the folder in front of Su Qingmei and said flatly.

Li Chenguang's actions surprised Su Qingmei and the lawyers of Chenguang's legal department. Li Sanguang, who always cared about every penny, agreed to sign the contract without saying a word, which really surprised them.

Su Qingmei carefully browsed through the contract and confirmed that there were no problems before handing it to Zhang Ling. After all, this was a contract he had negotiated and should be signed by him.

Zhang Ling accepted the contract with a smile and was about to sign his name with a flick of a pen. The bespectacled man who had been watching coldly suddenly said at this moment: "Wait a minute!"

The man with glasses stood up and saluted Li Chenguang respectfully, then said: "Mr. Li, I think such a hasty signing is a bit inappropriate. I think there are many things that need to be discussed..."

Li Chenguang looked at Shen Hao, the director of the legal department who had followed him for many years, waved his hands and said: "This matter is settled like this, you don't need to talk about it anymore."

"But..." He didn't say anything, the chair next to Fu Zongping's buttocks collapsed with a click, and a sharp wooden prop stuck into his buttocks, and he screamed in pain.

Looking at Fu Zongping whose butt was blooming, Zhang Ling covered his eyes with his hands in pain. He couldn't bear to look at the scene.

Fu Zongping's screams made the scene chaotic. The one who called the ambulance called the ambulance, and the one who helped carry the person helped carry the person. Su Qingmei pulled Zhang Ling and said, "Aren't you going to help?"

Looking at Su Qingmei's angry expression, Zhang Ling had to stand up and walk forward, making some gestures, and when he passed by Ma Zhaodi, he waved his hand lightly and said in a very soft voice, "It's ok, let's go back!"

After receiving Zhang Ling's instructions, Ma Zhaodi nodded and then disappeared into the air as a golden light, but his inadvertent movement was noticed by Li Chenguang who was on the side.

Fu Zongping was sent away, and the meeting room returned to calm again. Shen Hao also lost the opportunity to speak after the farce just now. No one objected to the signing of the contract. Laughed easily.

And Li Chenguang said slowly after signing the contract: "You have nothing to do here, let's all go out!"

The lawyers left with extreme doubts. Li Chenguang looked at Su Qingmei and continued, "Miss Su, please step aside. I want to have a few words with this little brother alone!"

Su Qingmei looked at Zhang Ling in surprise, then smiled and nodded to Li Chenguang and walked out of the conference room. After Su Qingmei left, Li Chenguang looked into Zhang Ling's eyes and said silently for a while, "Who are you?"

Zhang Ling said with a smile: "I'm on the ground but I'm not a human being. My life depends on me. I'm not in the sky. I just wait for the success of the nine or nine turns, and Dan Cheng will cross the crane to the west."

"What does that mean?" Li Chenguang looked at Zhang Ling in surprise, not understanding what he was talking about

But Zhang Ling didn't seem to want to explain to him, he just stood up and smiled and said, "Since the contract is signed, we're settled."

Li Chenguang had never been so neglected before, but he was surprisingly not angry, because before he found out the details of Zhang Ling, he didn't dare to turn against this young man who could bring people back to life.

"Please wait a moment!" Li Chenguang called to stop Zhang Ling who was walking out, and quickly chased after him.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Zhang Ling looked at Li Chenguang with a faint smile. He was too familiar with the greed in Li Chenguang's eyes, and knew that he would definitely ask for something.

Sure enough, Li Chenguang put on a smiling face and said: "If it's not convenient for the little brother to tell me, I won't force it, but since the little brother has such supernatural powers, I don't know if I can help my mother..."

Zhang Ling sneered in his heart: "You are a vegetable market, you can buy as much as you want?"

"I said that the relationship between you and me is settled. If Mr. Li has nothing to do, I will leave first!" It is useless to say more, Zhang Ling ignored Li Chenguang and walked out of the huge conference room.

After leaving the meeting room, Su Qingmei quickly walked over and asked, "What did Boss Li talk to you about?"

Zhang Ling thought for a while and smiled: "Life!"

"What? Life?" Su Qingmei looked at Zhang Ling in surprise, did he take her for a fool?How could an old fox like Li Chenguang talk about life with a brat like him.

Su Qingmei and Zhang Ling left Chenguang Building full of doubts, and after they left, Li Chenguang called Shen Hao, and he looked at the most capable subordinate in front of him and gave an order: "From today on, follow that Boy, no matter what he does, he must write it down for me, even if he goes to the toilet several times a day, he must know what he eats!"

After hearing this order, Shen Hao's heart trembled. It seems that his inference was correct. The reason why this order was negotiated so easily was because that kid caught a trick of his boss!
Just when Shen Hao was about to leave, Li Chenguang suddenly stopped him and said, "You know what it is that I am on the ground but I am not a human being. My fate depends on my absence. We only need to wait for the success of the ninety-nine revolutions, and the success of Dan Cheng to step on the crane." West Heaven?"

Shen Hao thought for a moment and said with a smile: "I know, this sentence is about a fairy who was demoted to the mortal world."

(End of this chapter)

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