Chapter 15 Tianting APP
Leaving Chenguang Building, Zhang Ling sat in Su Qingmei's car and said with a smile: "This is really something worth celebrating, isn't it?"

Su Qingmei ignored Zhang Ling, but Zhang Ling continued with a smile, "How about having a meal together?"

Su Qingmei stopped to start the car and was about to get angry, but immediately she put on a charming look and said to Zhang Ling: "Okay, if you can make it rain, I will have dinner with you!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ling raised his head and looked at the clear sky, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Shi and Feng Bo: "I am Chang Tian, ​​please send some rain!"

As the sound of the successful transmission sounded, within a few minutes the originally clear sky suddenly turned into dark clouds and strong winds. Before Su Qingmei could react from the shock, heavy raindrops fell on the heads of the two of them.

Su Qingmei hurriedly raised the hood of the convertible sports car and stared at Zhang Ling with unbelievable eyes, while Zhang Ling put on his seat belt calmly and said with a smile: "What do you want to eat?"

The impression is that Yunhai is a well-known high-end restaurant. All the ingredients used here are top-notch ingredients, and the chefs are all internationally renowned chefs. The tableware used is also custom-made from France and Italy. Even the waiters here are uniform. Handsome men and beautiful women, even if they don't eat, just sitting in it will be a kind of enjoyment.

How much does it cost to eat here, you ask?Why not one or two thousand, right? One or two thousand?That's the cost, at least [-], don't think it's too expensive and still discount it, and you won't even be able to grab a seat if you don't make a reservation in advance.

However, Su Qingmei seems to be a frequent customer here. When the waiter saw her, he led her into the restaurant without even asking, and then found a place where she could see the scenery outside and smiled at her: "You Please sit down, I'll call someone to order for you!"

Su Qingmei smiled and took out a hundred-yuan bill from her purse and handed it to the waiter. The waiter smiled and took it, saluted her and left. After a while, a waiter in a white shirt and bow tie came in front of the two of them. Respectfully put the menu in the hands of the two of them, and stood aside quietly waiting to serve them.

Zhang Ling opened the menu casually, and he couldn't help being surprised when he saw it. Although money is no longer important to him, he is not enough to order any dish on the menu now, and His credit card has already used up the overdraft limit before, and now he will throw it at grandma's house for embarrassment!

Although he has a storage bag on his body, he can't finish eating and take out a Lingshi to pay the bill. This is not a f*cking novel of Xianxia!

Su Qingmei looked at the menu for a while and said, "I'd like a set of lamb chops, and a bottle of 94 Petrus."

When Zhang Ling heard the bottle of red wine that Su Qingmei ordered, his liver trembled, because he clearly saw that the price of the bottle of wine was 28888 on the menu, and he couldn't help cursing inwardly: "This bitch is really Ruthless!"

But now he is already on the verge of riding a tiger. He is the one who takes care of everything and treats people to dinner, and he chooses the place as he pleases. Now that people have chosen and ordered, Zhang Ling can't give up at this time. This is not in line with his character at all!

Zhang Ling flicked through the various applications on his phone, and suddenly he saw a very interesting icon, which said the words "blessing from the heavenly official" on it!
Click on the app, and the developer says Emperor Ziwei, and this app is extremely simple to use, as long as you inject enough aura, you can get a blessing from the heavenly official once, thus increasing the success rate of crossing tribulation, alchemy, and weapon refining .

Seeing this application, Zhang Ling suddenly thought that this blessing from the heavenly official can improve the success rate for immortals, but isn't it just a lucky buff for mortals?
Thinking of this, Zhang Ling ordered the same set meal as Su Qingmei, stood up and smiled at Su Qingmei: "I'm going to the bathroom, wait a minute!"

But as soon as he got up, he heard Su Qingmei say sarcastically: "You don't want to run away, you can just tell me if you don't have money, I'll pay for it!"

Zhang Ling's face twitched unconsciously, and he continued to smile and said, "Don't worry, I said I will invite you if I invite you."

Coming to the restroom of the restaurant, Zhang Ling looked at the toilet, which was decorated a hundred times better than his kennel. Zhang Ling curled his lips, found an empty toilet seat and hid in it, then took out a high-grade spirit stone and held the spirit stone in one hand. Shi put the thumb of the other hand on the home button, and the aura contained in the spirit stone immediately poured into the phone like a tide, and the energy bar next to the solemn image of the heavenly official was gradually filling up. Full.

Soon the spirit stone in Zhang Ling's hand turned into powder, and what surprised him was that the energy tank was only filled to one-fifth. Immediately, Zhang Ling was in the same mood as all the small R players in the mobile game. After filling up the money happily, they thought they had opened the door to the top of the game, but the fact is that they just jumped into a bottomless pit, and there were only two conditions for getting out of the pit. The distance is basically unrealistic; the second is to uninstall the game decisively, as if the money spent before was lost.

But now Zhang Ling looked at the half-dead energy bar with helplessness in his heart. He didn't expect that the app developed by the gods would be a scam. Can he still play happily!

But no matter how much dissatisfaction Zhang Ling has in his heart at this time, he can only bite the bullet and hold on. After all, this is what he can rely on now.

So Zhang Ling took out another spirit stone from the storage bag and poured it into the phone with a long sigh. After continuously injecting four or five spirit stones, the energy bar was finally full. The seven-color glow shrouded Zhang Ling in it, and Zhang Ling exclaimed excitedly: "Oh! Jesus is dead!".

After the light lasted for more than ten seconds, it dissipated in the air, and the originally filled energy bar was empty again!

"This, this is the end?" Zhang Ling waited for the screen and muttered to himself, he didn't feel any changes at all.

With infinite surprise, Zhang Ling pushed open the door and went out, but just as he went out, he saw a man looking at him with puzzled eyes. When Zhang Ling just walked out of the bathroom, he heard the man behind him say: "I Go, squatting in the pit to play the simulated slot machine is so fun, you are really talented!"

When Zhang Ling returned to his seat, he found that the appetizers had already been delivered, and Su Qingmei sat there very gracefully waiting for Zhang Ling to come back. Zhang Ling sat down and looked at the foie gras in front of him with a tempting aroma and said with a smile: "It looks like It looks delicious!"

Speaking of this, he made a gesture of invitation to Su Qingmei and picked up the knife and fork, but just as he picked up the knife and fork and was about to start, Su Qingmei sneered. Zhang Ling looked up at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your knife and fork are upside down!" Su Qingmei pointed to the knife and fork in Zhang Ling's hand, and looked at him mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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