Chapter 103

Ye Ying and the others ran towards the gate of the base. There were many people coming and going, but none of them cared about them.Some people didn't know what they were going for, and they followed them when they saw that they were running towards the gate of the base.

On the radio at the base, the deep and steady voice continued to speak: "According to the news sent back by the scouts, a large wave of zombies will arrive at the base soon, preparing to besiege the large rescue base in the west. Don't panic! We haven't failed yet. ! We still have hope of victory!"

"If you don't want to be the ration of zombies! If you still have family members, lovers, and relatives who need your protection! If, you also hope that one day the zombies can be wiped out, we can choose to unite at this time! Go to the city wall! Fight ! Fight! Fight! Until the zombies are defeated by us! Until this disaster is over, we will usher in victory!"

"Okay, now if you want to do something before the zombies come, please go outside the base. Yes, we spent months digging trenches, and piled wood on the side, go push them down, push them Go inside the trench! This is our first line of defense! We strive to keep the zombies out of the trench..."

When she heard this, Ye Ying had already run out of the base, and she couldn't hear what was said clearly and couldn't concentrate on listening.Although she didn't think that these words would make all the ordinary people with supernatural powers willing to help, but even if she could appeal to one more person, it would be a good thing!

Ye Ying dare not say that she will definitely fail, and she is not sure how much hope of victory there is, but what she hopes most is that the base can be defended. If she really can't stand it... then she will fight a way no matter what, and take her His parents, brother, Xie Wei, Jiang Lan, Xie Lin and the others went out together.

After the army gathered, a large group of people went to the gate of the base. The task was to push all the wood down the trench before the zombie army arrived.

The officer who led the team happened to have led Ye Ying's missions several times, so at least he knew each other.Knowing what Ye Ying and the others were going to do, they didn't stop them. At this time, the more strength the better.

Others who followed Ye Ying and the others blindly, some were still ignorant after hearing these words, some went back to the base directly, but some still followed Ye Ying and the others to push the wood.

But within two to three minutes, there were many people standing densely by the ditch outside the base, most of them were soldiers, and a few were civilians.All of them had serious faces and kept moving, racing against time to push the wood down the trench.

In the line of sight, the army of zombies is faintly visible.

(End of this chapter)

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