Chapter 104

Because the trench was dug quite deep and a lot of wood was prepared, it took a little time to push all the wood into the trench.The zombie swarm was moving a little faster than the military expected, and the closer they got to the base, the faster they went.

Some civilians with supernatural powers also joined the battle preparations in a short period of time, and pushed the wood into the trench together with the soldiers.And when the zombies were close enough to reach the edge of the other side of the trench, almost all the logs were pushed down.

After the trenches were dug, there was only one place outside the base that was bridged with iron plates for passage. Now the iron plates in this place have been removed, and the entire base has temporarily become an isolated island.

Only after the zombies have filled the trench will there be a road leading to the outside world paved with zombie corpses.Before that, unless someone could fly or had a helicopter, everyone could only stay in the base.

Surviving a desperate situation, there is no way out, so the only way to fight back is to fight. It can be regarded as an exciting way, but Ye Ying dare not comment on whether it is good or bad.

Even though her strength was much stronger than before the end of the world, after pushing the small piece of wood she was responsible for into the trench, Ye Ying still felt that her clothes were soaked in sweat.

Raising her hand to wipe off her sweat, she raised her head and saw the group of zombies that she could already see with her eyesight. Ye Ying pressed the corner of her mouth and called the other six people who had also completed the task to retreat into the base.

Just as the others were retreating, more than a dozen people rushed out of the base.With oil barrels in their hands, they rushed to the side of the ditch, and while running fast, they poured gasoline and alcohol into the ditch that filled one-third of the space with dry wood.After everyone else had evacuated and the task of pouring gasoline and alcohol was successfully completed, the dozen or so people retreated to the back of the power grid and returned to the base.

Both inside and outside the base are filled with an extremely tense and depressing atmosphere. Even the sky has become gloomy, and it doesn't seem to be a prelude to rain, but a change caused by the zombies besieging the base.

The group of zombies also reached the edge of the other side of the ditch when the last person retreated into the power grid. They couldn't turn and had no other way to go, and one after another fell into the deep ditch.

At this time, there was already a large row of fire-type superpowers standing on the city wall. They saw that the zombie group could hardly see the end, and they surrounded the base from all directions.The first zombies who walked to the side of the ditch, one after another, rushed forward fearlessly. One fell, and the next one continued to move forward, and then continued to fall...

Following the officer's order, the flames were projected into the trench, and with a "crack", the wood drenched in gasoline and high-concentration alcohol was ignited, and the flames shot up into the sky and burned the zombies that fell into the trench.More people went up to the city wall, and seeing this scene, they felt it was indescribably magnificent.

A large circle around the entire base was surrounded by raging flames. On the periphery of the flames, tireless zombies kept rushing into the flames and then burned, going round and round without stopping for a moment.

The crackling sound was intertwined with the zombie's painless roar, and Ye Ying and the others had already retreated to the base.There was originally a gap in the power grid, and when everyone retreated to the base, the gap was immediately filled.

(End of this chapter)

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