Chapter 105

The soldiers and civilian supernatural volunteers followed the command and went up to the city wall after everything else was done. The entire circle of the city wall was full of people, either soldiers or civilian superhumans.

The seven of Ye Ying and the others seized the position facing the only exit leading to the outside world. Because they stood at a high height, their field of vision became very wide.

They watched the zombies come and go, and they knew that the trenches were destined not to be able to completely resist the zombies. This first line of defense would inevitably be exhausted, and all they could do was wait.Waiting for the zombies to break through the first line of defense, then waiting for the zombies to break through the second line of defense, and waiting for them to reach the city wall is the final fight.

No one spoke, and no one knew what to say. The people on the city wall watched the scene quietly, waiting for an inevitable result.

Seeing such a scene again, Ye Ying didn't have any thoughts at the moment.Even though she was far away from the fire source, Ye Ying could almost feel the heat, and the air was so dull that it made people feel a little anxious.

The moment I felt the beads of sweat falling down my cheeks, the ditch filled with zombie corpses finally no longer became an obstacle to the advance of the zombie army.The zombies stepped over the ditch that was still burning the corpses of the zombies, and the flames shot up from the bottom of their feet, and they were still advancing.

The distance between the trench and the power grid has been specially estimated. This distance is enough for the first batch of zombies who break through the first line of defense but will still be burnt to fall down and cannot touch the second line of defense.

It's just that this method can't last for a long time. I don't know how many minutes passed, maybe 3 minutes, 4 minutes, or 5 minutes, or 6 minutes.

The tough power grid blocked their progress. They couldn't break through the power grid for a while, and they were blocked outside the power grid wave after wave, until the power grid was almost unbearable——

In an instant, the power grid erected around the base was powered on with high-voltage electricity, and the entire power grid was surrounded by blue and purple.The sky became darker unknowingly, but because of the fire that soared into the sky before, I didn't notice it.

At this moment, the blue-purple current glowed coquettishly, and the people on the city wall could almost see the current flowing from the grid to the zombies clinging to the grid.They could also imagine that the electric current rushed towards the zombies, passing through the heads of the zombies and then destroying their heads, making them unable to move anymore.

The electrocuted zombies are still clinging to the power grid, while new zombies are still moving forward. Those zombie corpses are gradually piling up under the power grid, oppressing the power grid.Later zombies kept moving forward and upward, and the pressure on the power grid continued to increase.

Cannon fire and special abilities were all prepared silently, and more people went up to the city wall, and everyone on the city wall was ready to fight.Their eyes were fixed on the power grid, watching the corpses of the zombies being piled up into hills, watching the purple-blue current gradually weaken and the power grid tilted towards the base...

at last……

Ye Ying seemed to hear the sound of her elder brother Ye Kun swallowing saliva standing next to her for a moment, and then, a whole circle of power grid collapsed... Zombies rushed towards the city wall like a tide, and the artillery fire and abilities cost nothing. Throwing towards the group of zombies.

It is not clear what sound is roaring in the ear, the roar of the zombie seems to be loud, the sound of "da da da da da da" fired by the bullet seems to have never stopped, when the ability hits the zombie All kinds of sounds are blended into other noises, and it is really hard to distinguish.

(End of this chapter)

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