Chapter 106

When Papa Ye and Xie Wei's fire-type abilities were projected, Ye Kun used the wind-type ability as an aid to help the fireball become bigger, and then crashed into the crowd of zombies; Jiang Lan and Xie Lin had ice-type abilities alone , one is the earth-type ability, Xie Lin is responsible for building the earth wall to block the zombies that are advancing too fast, Jiang Lan and Ye Ying use the ice-type ability to give them a fatal blow... Mother Ye's space ability, in the The attack power in this area does not seem to be enough, but Ye Ying and the others have some guns in storage, and Mother Ye, who has been trained in marksmanship by Ye Ying, relies on guns to provide support.

In fact, the space abilities among the soldiers are very useful at this time, and it can even be said to be almost decisive.Their space is now full of ammunition resources, and the existence of people with space abilities is an absolute guarantee that the military's firepower will not be weakened or exhausted.

No one can say exactly how many zombies came to besiege the base, but after persisting for an unknown amount of time, all the people on the city wall finally saw the decrease in zombies, a very obvious decrease.

The moment they noticed this, everyone finally saw hope—not to comfort themselves, but to really see hope, a hope like a little light in the eternal night.This made everyone excited again, the artillery fire continued, the abilities continued, and the battle continued...

Just when everyone had just lifted their spirits, the zombie group seemed to have changed their fighting style and suddenly gathered a small force, trying to break through the defense line of the people on the city wall and rush to the big iron gate of the base.

Ye Ying was already on the city wall at the gate of the base, so it was easy to spot this change in the zombie group.It was precisely because of this discovery that she suddenly became sure of something, such as this time the zombies besieging the base was actually led by other zombies.

Guiding, commanding and communicating... Ye Ying's heart twitched, and the spiritual powers spread towards the group of zombies.In the past three months of training, her psychic powers have also been further developed, so that it can be extended to a range of about 30 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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