Chapter 107

Therefore, it is not a problem even if she wants to let the detection range of the psychic ability cover the front of this small group of zombies on the city wall at this moment.Relying on this momentary thought, Ye Ying really gained something.

She felt the fluctuation of the spiritual power of the zombies, which almost means that the zombies communicate with each other through the fluctuation of this spiritual power, or that the hidden zombie uses spiritual power to command other zombies .

Ye Ying wanted to understand this, but at the same time, she also had some concerns in her heart. It's just that she doesn't have time to explain now, but she believes that these people around her...

Ye's father, Ye's mother, Ye Quan and Xie Wei and others were near Ye Ying. They heard Ye Ying suddenly yelled: "Cover me!" and then jumped directly from the city wall. They had no time to stop her We can only cover and support her on the city wall as Ye Ying said.

The ice ability was released from Ye Ying's hands, paving the way above the dense zombies.Ye Ying landed on the ice smoothly, and the ice surface was broken by the impact of Ye Ying's fall, and the zombies under her feet were suddenly shorter than other zombies.

The spiritual ability continued to spread out to explore the location of the zombie hiding in the dark. The ice ability under Ye Ying's feet continued to pave the way, and continued to run deep into the zombie group.

She knew exactly what she was doing at the moment, and she also knew what the consequences would be if she failed, but Ye Ying felt that she would never regret it.

Because at this moment, right behind her, her parents, relatives and friends are in danger, and she could possibly—even absolutely could—rescue them and let them get through this disaster.

She just wants to protect the people she wants to protect and do what she thinks is right, nothing more.

On the city wall, some people who could see the situation in the direction of the gate of the base only saw a person on the city wall suddenly fall into the crowd of zombies.Originally, they thought that the man was destined to die, but they found that the man who fell had started running on top of the group of zombies.

All of a sudden, everyone who saw this scene on the city wall was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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