Chapter 108

If it weren't for the fact that now is not the time to be distracted, these people who were shocked would want to swear, and they have to admit that this is really... so fucking awesome!

At this time, Ye Ying didn't even care about what other people would think. All her thoughts were completely focused on other things.

She couldn't confirm and didn't have any way to confirm in advance, but her intuition told her that the hidden zombie was very important in this incident of zombies surrounding the base.

This feeling is probably similar to... maybe she can open the door to a new world after discovering the secret of that zombie... a wonderful idea.

Ye Ying's hypothesis at this time is that there is a zombie hiding in the dark, and is directing other zombies to besiege the base through the existence of spiritual powers or similar to spiritual powers.

If this hypothesis can finally be established, it will be a very significant step for humans to eliminate zombies.Even if this is only a very small possibility, it is worth exploring and discovering.

Of course, the more stinky and shameless guess is... maybe through experimental research, it is possible to successfully use mental fluctuations to make zombies kill each other, while humans can sit on the sidelines and reap the benefits.

Ye Ying's idea is that it would be great if the zombie can be captured alive and provided to the country for research; if it cannot be captured alive, then kill it; if it cannot be killed, make sure it is a zombie with spiritual abilities It is also an important gain.

The zombies trampled by Ye Ying through a thin layer of ice seemed to be very unconvinced and wanted to raise their heads and open their mouths to bite Ye Ying, but Ye Ying passed by even if it was a zombie with supernatural powers, it was too late to release the superhuman zombies. can.

The zombies that were not covered by ice and not used by Ye Ying as stepping stones were attracted by the delicious smell of human flesh on Ye Ying's body.They either raised their necks and opened their mouths eagerly to bite her, or stretched out their arms to catch her. Occasionally, one or two zombies with special abilities mixed in with them and used their abilities to deal with Ye Ying.

However, in this way, the zombies who were rushing forward in a uniform manner would inevitably be disrupted.Although they may be following orders, they instinctively want to bite when they find humans.

Zombies without any intelligence can't think about whether they don't care about any external situation and insist on executing orders, so instinct will prevail.At least until the next command is conveyed, they will first follow their instincts.

Ye Ying had a very short time to think before coming down from the city wall. She didn't think about it at that time, but she quickly discovered it when she saw the zombies becoming chaotic.The psychic powers probed farther, and at the same time, Ye Ying brandished the machete that she drew from her waist when she jumped off the city wall, slashed at the zombies that could not be avoided for a while, and then continued to rush into the group of zombies.

Therefore, the appearance of Ye Ying caused confusion to a certain extent in the small group of zombies in the place where she passed.

The zombies either bumped into each other because they wanted to pounce on Ye Ying, or they missed Ye Ying and bit other zombies, or they released ice balls from their mouths, and the fireball wanted to attack Ye Ying but attacked other zombies. Only the word chaos can describe their state at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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