Chapter 111

The wound was gradually healed in the package of the new green light of the healing ability. Because Ye Ying avoided the full attack of the zombie, the wound on the arm was not particularly deep, and it would not affect her actions.

It's just that for the zombies, the blood flowing from the wound on Ye Ying's arm was full of a strong and seductive fragrance, which made them unwilling to obey orders peacefully, and was once again driven by instinct.

At the moment when the zombies under their feet were restless, the zombies on the opposite side were still trying to turn around to face Ye Ying, but at this moment, Ye Ying moved again.At the second that Ye Ying was moving, this particular zombie had already turned around, but it was a beat slower than Ye Ying's after all.

Just being a little bit slower is an absolute advantage for Ye Ying.It only took a breath to rush to the zombie again, and two of the three ice needles hidden in the palm of Ye Ying shot towards the two eyes of the zombie at the same time Ye Ying raised her hand.

The zombies on the opposite side turned a blind eye to Ye Ying's two ice needles, but still rushed towards Ye Ying, as if Ye Ying's ice would not have any threat or influence on it.

One person and one zombie passed by again, and when they separated again, Ye Ying retreated due to the impact and stopped after a distance of nearly ten meters.She raised her head to look at the zombie, blood flowed down her cheeks from her forehead, but a smile flashed across her mouth for an instant.

The zombie with no arms fell straight on top of the other zombies, completely lost its ability to move, and was hunted down by Ye Ying.

At this moment when it fell, the group of zombies that were persistently rushing towards the base suddenly became slack and their movements became irregular. Even some zombies that hadn't approached the city wall in the rear had already started to retreat and turned around and walked in all directions. up.

Ye Ying has no time to waste, the wound on her arm has healed, at least it is no longer bleeding, but there is still a wound on her forehead that needs to be healed quickly.

She covered the wound on her forehead with a healing power with one hand, and waved the machete in her other hand to greet the remaining zombies. The missed zombies were eliminated with spiritual powers.

Ye Ying felt that since the end of the world, she had never felt as happy as she was at this moment. Even though she was so exhausted due to excessive consumption of abilities that she wished she could fall down and rest immediately, she still couldn't stop the joy in her heart.

The second time he fought this zombie, the two ice needles successfully broke through the zombie's protective shield of spiritual abilities just as Ye Ying imagined.

In the next moment, Ye Ying's spiritual ability, which had already been transformed into an attack form by undoing the protective cover, attacked the zombie, but was broken by the zombie.

At the very second that Ye Ying passed by the zombie, the zombie pounced on Ye Ying and attacked Ye Ying with its mental abilities.The spiritual ability attack failed, and Ye Ying immediately withdrew the spiritual ability to prepare to defend against the attack from the zombies, but she was a little slower before she was slightly injured again.

This zombie that injured Ye Ying again, following the price of having one arm removed last time, the price paid for its behavior this time is that it was completely killed by Ye Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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