Chapter 112

In fact, it happened at the same moment when the zombie attacked Ye Ying. Ye Ying swung the machete in her hand to chop off the arm that the zombie grabbed towards her, and the remaining ice needle was hidden in the other hand. Inserted from the zombie's eyes into the head.

In the second fight between Ye Ying and this special zombie, Ye Ying achieved an absolute victory.

The many supernatural beings and soldiers on the city wall, who were about to lose their hold, suddenly became a little dazed when they saw the zombies receding like a tide.The officer who specially looked at Ye Ying with his binoculars gave the order to chase down the zombies decisively at this moment.

Orders are only valid for soldiers, and civilians with supernatural powers do not have to obey orders.The soldiers went down the city wall one after another, and the group of space power users who happened to leave before returned with ammunition and guns full of space, and they successfully completed the supply of guns as soon as they met.

I thought it would be a huge sacrifice this time.But he didn't expect that the first layer of defense of the trench and the second layer of defense of the grid wiped out nearly one-third of the zombies.

Later, the zombies rushed towards the city wall, but before they could destroy the city wall, they "retreated" for unknown reasons. This was a million times more beautiful than a pie falling from the sky!
Such an unbelievable thing made everyone excited and excited after being ignorant for a while.The soldiers were ordered to go down to chase the zombies, and many civilians with supernatural powers rushed down with the soldiers because they were too excited.

But Ye Kun, Ye Quan, and Xie Chunfang were not included among these excited people. They didn't see where Ye Ying was, and they didn't see her come back...

They followed the soldiers down the city wall and rushed to the outside of the base, but only worry occupied their mood at this time.Ye Kun and the others were worried if Ye Ying would be okay. After all, they had just seen those zombies retreating, and Ye Ying had already reached the center of the zombie group before.

The zombies who crossed the ditch in front only retreated partly, and some stayed under the city wall, while the zombies who had not crossed the ditch retreated quickly.The lingering zombies were attracted by the soldiers and supernatural beings rushing out of the base, but were quickly killed by the artillery fire and the supernatural beings' attacks.

Ye Kun and the others' powers are almost exhausted. If they hadn't improved a lot under Ye Ying's guidance, they would definitely be gone by now.The same is true for most of the other supernatural beings, and some have run out of supernatural powers. They picked up weapons like knives that they used at the beginning of the end of the world, and rushed outside to chop zombies.

Although they no longer have their abilities, they now feel that they still have plenty of energy.Their nerves were in a state of extreme excitement, and they didn't feel any physical fatigue at all. They just wanted to kill all the zombies.

Ye Kun and the six of them formed a small fighting force on their own, trying to break through the siege of remaining zombies and find Ye Ying.

The officer who gave the order, that is, the officer who knew that the "retreat" of the zombies had something to do with Ye Ying, when he noticed Ye Kun's actions, immediately sent a team of people to rescue Ye Ying with them. The people below will clean up the zombies under the city wall first.

(End of this chapter)

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