Chapter 115

Even before she passed out, Ye Ying realized that she was rescued by someone catching chickens, but when she took a look at Chen Mo, she passed out obediently without any protest.

Although the way of being rescued is a bit weird and detrimental to the image, it is much better than feeding zombies. In other words-don't care about these details.

Ye Ying didn't suffer any serious injuries, and she fainted only because her mental and physical strength were consumed too much, and her body couldn't bear it.When she woke up, she was not at home, but in a small hospital in the western base.

In fact, she did not have any physical problems, but she suddenly passed out. Father Ye and Mother Ye could not rest assured that she would stay at home.The officers at the base said they could be sent to the hospital, and the base provided free treatment, so they sent them here and took turns guarding them.

Ye Ying slept for a whole day and two nights without waking up, and her body's energy could only be supplemented by infusion of glucose.At the beginning, they collected all kinds of medical medicines and utensils on the way to the base, and later took most of them out to supply the base, but now they are being used by Ye's like they used them themselves.

Some basic medicines and equipment are quite complete, so the hospitals on the base are still operating relatively normally, and the convenience of treating ordinary patients in peacetime hospitals is not much different.

In the morning of this day, before the sun rose, Mama Ye and Xie Wei came over to replace Papa Ye, who had been watching all night, and went back to rest.Not long after Papa Ye left, Ye Ying woke up, so the first thing she saw when she woke up was Mama Ye and Xie Wei who were guarding by the hospital bed.

Mother Ye and Xie Wei also saw Ye Ying open her eyes at the same time. When they first saw her wake up, they inevitably didn't react.But this slowness was only for a moment. When Ye Ying had a smile on her face, Ye's mother and Xie Wei also had smiles on their faces.

"Are you awake? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry?" Mother Ye said a little excitedly, and together with Xie Wei, she helped Ye Ying sit up again, and then handed Ye Ying a water glass, "Drink some water first." Moisturize your throat and speak again."

Ye Ying was feeling thirsty, so she took the water glass and drank half of it, only to feel a little better.Although she just woke up, the hunger is very obvious. Ye Ying feels that she can finish three bowls of rice in one go!
"Mom, I'm fine, but I'm really hungry and want to eat your cooking." Ye Ying's voice was a little hoarse, which may have something to do with her sleeping for too long.

When Mama Ye heard that she was hungry, she quickly said, "Then I'll go back and make something for you to eat, and I'll let your brother come over. You still have to listen to the doctor whether you go home from the hospital or continue to observe you."

"Auntie, you go first, I'm still here, I won't let her mess around." Xie Wei received Ye Ying's hint, and said quickly, stopping Mother Ye's nagging.

Mother Ye didn't see Ye Ying's movements, but she just gave her a blank look, didn't say any more, and then left without waiting.Ye Ying is very energetic now, she doesn't feel tired at all, so she doesn't rest, chatting with Xie Wei, asking her what happened after she fainted or fell asleep.

While the two were talking, Gu Shu and Chen Mo came to the ward after receiving the news that Ye Ying had woken up.They always wore camouflage uniforms, berets, and black military boots on their feet. As long as they stood at the door of the ward, Ye Ying in the ward would recognize them.

(End of this chapter)

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