Chapter 116

Xie Wei recognized these two... some miraculous people saved Ye Ying, so when she heard the knock on the door and Ye Ying didn't raise any objection, she opened the door of the ward graciously and let them in.

This can be regarded as the third official meeting between Ye Ying and these two people. The first time was in the villa area where Aunt Fang and the little boy Sun Li met; Let's meet officially; the third time is now.

When they met for the first time, Gu Shu sent her an invitation to join the army without hesitation, and this time they came to her, it seemed that it was for this purpose.

Gu Shu and Chen Mo stood in front of the hospital bed, looking casual, but their postures were not loose.As the name suggests, Chen Mo was just silent, and the one who spoke was always Gu Shu.

After simple greetings such as "How do you feel about your body" and "Is it better?", Gu Shu and Ye Ying quickly set out their purpose for coming to her.

"When we first met, you said that you were not interested for the time being and that you didn't want to join the army. What about now? Have you changed your mind?" Gu Shu looked at Ye Ying with a smile and asked.

"Should I join the army, or join you?" Ye Ying asked sharply, but she also had a smile on her face.

"Isn't it the same? We are also members of the army."

When Gu Shu said that, it meant that he was joining them and not simply joining the army.Even though she understood the meaning of this, Ye Ying still explained, "If you just join the army, it's the same in this western base. Joining you... surely you won't be staying here?"

"That's right, following us can enjoy more, see this world full of zombies and pass by death at any time, how cool it is." Gu Shu blinked and smiled slyly.

Xie Wei was speechless, but knew that the other party was just informing the danger in advance, and it was very conscientious not to choose to deceive.She has seen Ye Ying's ability. With her ability, she can indeed do more things, not just do various tasks with them.

At the very beginning, Xie Wei didn't really believe that zombies could be wiped out in the end, and always felt that such a world had no end in sight.But after going through the zombie siege two days ago, and seeing that no one was injured or turned into a zombie, but she successfully repelled the zombie group, she began to believe or was willing to believe.

The road ahead is difficult, but which war is not difficult?Sacrifice and bloodshed are inevitable, but only by not giving up can we see the dawn.

"Yes, it's very cool just by listening to it." Gu Shu didn't need to explain too much, Ye Ying also knew that the tasks they performed were very difficult and very important, and fighting for life was completely the most basic .On this basis, it is possible to complete the task, but they have survived time and time again in this way.

Seeing that Ye Ying already had this thought, Gu Shu changed the topic.Ye Ying is not like them. She has friends and relatives. This kind of thing needs to be discussed with family and friends, especially family members.It is enough for her to have this wish for the time being, and if her family members disagree, she will think of other ways at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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