Chapter 117

"We saw that green light on your body before, what is that?" Gu Shu picked a very good question in Xie Wei's opinion.

Ye Ying was very generous, and she didn't try to hide it at all, "It's a kind of supernatural power, the healing power, haven't you guys encountered it before?"

Gu Shu nodded. It is true that they have never met before, and this is the first time they have met.But Ye Ying told them so frankly, as if she trusted them a lot.

"The ability of the healing system is... If anyone is bitten by a zombie, as long as there is no corpse transformation, they may be rescued. Based on the principle that the smaller the wound and the less obvious signs of mutation, the easier it is to rescue."

"People with the ability to heal will not undergo necromorphosis when bitten or scratched by zombies. It's just that there is one less way to die than others, and the other ways to die are the same as normal people. And it's... easier I was targeted by powerful zombies."

Although Ye Ying said it lightly, in fact, if some people knew about this ability in her body, they might be so jealous to death.They don't know how to transform into dead bodies, and they don't need to be afraid of zombie bites.

Chen Mo, who had been standing by the side and didn't speak a word, quickly raised his eyelids and glanced at Ye Ying at this moment, obviously he had some thoughts about this so-called healing ability.

After all, at that time, he and Gu Shu saw Ye Ying being injured by a zombie but nothing happened.The only difference is the green light.

"It's amazing, our team is short of talents like you, we need talents like you. What other abilities do you have? Ice abilities, right? Well, very good, our team will be able to get all of them right away. The type of supernatural power."

Ye Ying recalled it for a while, and realized that she only knew that Gu Shu and Chen Mo were powerful, but she didn't know what abilities they had... It wasn't the same thing, at least she knew that Gu Shu had spatial abilities.

"Although I haven't said that I want to join, but I can ask, how many people are there in your team now?" Ye Ying vaguely felt that she would get a very... Domineering answer.

as predicted--

"Isn't it just standing in front of you?" Gu Shu looked at Ye Ying innocently, "If you join us, then there will be three of us. When the time comes, we will drag another one over, and the four of us will make a mahjong table. Originally, we I plan to find five people, but if you are here, four people are enough, and there is no need for a fifth person."

"I'm so hungry, I want to eat, why don't I see you later!"

Ye Ying still felt a little unreal when she got on the helicopter of Gu Shu and Chen Mo and bid farewell to this large rescue base in the west where she had been staying for several months.

Of course, she didn't leave Father Ye, Mother Ye, and brother Ye Kun alone. After asking Xie Wei, Jiang Lan, and Xie Lin for their opinions, she also brought them along.

They are now going to the large northern national rescue base located in province L. The imperial capital is too densely populated and there will be a lot of zombies, so it is not so suitable for rebuilding the rescue base.

In this large northern national rescue base, the whole country now has the latest news about zombie research, as well as the latest weapons and medicines researched by the country, etc., are all here.

They embarked on a journey that was completely different from the past.

(End of this chapter)

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