Chapter 124

Gu Shu was amused by Ye Ying's words, and Lin Qi also smiled, looking helpless with Ye Ying, followed the paralyzed Chen Mo and left.

Of course, they couldn't jump directly from the [-]th floor as Ye Ying said. The only way to go downstairs on the entire top floor was the iron door.

Chen Mo walked to the iron gate, turned around and kicked the iron gate open, Lin Qi praised bluntly behind him, "Beautiful!" Then he followed Chen Mo and walked ahead to open the way.

Ye Ying and Gu Shu walked behind side by side, seeing Chen Mo kicking open the iron gate, she couldn't help saying "Handsome!" in her heart, but she had a calm expression on her face.You know, this is done entirely by physical fitness, and has nothing to do with abilities or other things.

It is not easy to climb from the bottom to the top of the twentieth floor, but it is still very fast if you just go downstairs.It has something to do with the outbreak of the apocalypse around midnight. It can be said that there are almost no zombies in the entire building that was originally used as an office building.

All the way down from the top of the building to the second floor, I only encountered three or two ordinary zombies, and they were dealt with by Chen Mo and Lin Qi in two strokes, without any effort at all.When they reached the second floor, they were not in a hurry to go down.

Going out from the first floor, the outside is full of zombies. In addition to looking for survivors, they also need to clean up the zombies.If no signs of life are detected, they can set a time bomb and blow it up directly.

Before rushing out of the building, you need to do some preparatory work. If you go directly to the first floor, you may be discovered by zombies.If the zombies find them inside the building, the zombies outside will rush in, and it will become troublesome for them to go out.

The life detector that Gu Shu held in his hand was improved, and it could detect a wide range.Within a distance of 500 meters from where they are now, if there are survivors, signs of life can be detected.Even if the survivors are hiding in the basement, there is no delay.

The dial of the life detector shows no signs of life... In fact, the possibility of signs of life seems to be relatively small. After all, no one would choose to hide in such a place where it is difficult for anyone to rescue them.

No matter what guesses were made before, Ye Ying now knows for certain that the country has indeed detected some strange signs before the end of the world.However, these things are not right enough for people to know that the end of the world is coming.

Therefore, before the end of the world, no one knew that what they were facing was a world that was about to be occupied by zombies.The only preparation that can be done is that if something goes wrong, the country will immediately send troops for immediate rescue.

Ye Ying still understands that the country chooses to suppress the news. The most basic point is that if the news is released before the incident happens, not only will it not have any appeasement effect, but it will cause even worse consequences.

Take the end of the world as an example, some people will become zombies and some will not. This is something that no one can be sure unless it happens.If the end of the world has not come, most people have already fallen into panic in advance, then it is already a catastrophe without waiting for the end of the world.

Not to mention, there are too many malicious people with ulterior motives, they will not even think this is a disaster, they will think this is their own opportunity, and then they are ready to start their road to "dominate the earth".

(End of this chapter)

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