Chapter 125

For ordinary people who have no ability at the beginning, this will be a more terrifying disaster than zombies.Because those people don't care about other people's lives in order to achieve their own goals.

It can be said that Ye Ying doesn't understand things like bombs very much now, she has no way to touch them yet and can only watch Gu Shu and the others do what they do.Gu Shu explained it to Ye Ying carefully while adjusting it by himself, and Ye Ying listened carefully and memorized it carefully.

Neither Chen Mo nor Lin Qi was idle. They didn't go to the first floor until the three of them were done.The bombs in Chen Mo and Lin Qi's hands were returned to Gu Shu's hands after they were adjusted. In fact, there is no need to do anything. The most important thing is timing. No matter what, there is no doubt that they have to wait until they leave. Only explode in a safe range.

The power of the bombs in their hands should not be underestimated. This is actually the latest research result of the country and has not been published yet.If two or three bombs the size of a palm come down, the range of 500 meters detected by the life detector will be seriously affected.

This also means that the zombies within a range of 500 meters can be almost wiped out.So, obviously, this can only be done when it is certain that there are no survivors.

They stagnated on the second floor for less than 2 minutes. After the preparations were completed, Chen Mo and Lin Qi still walked ahead to open the way, while Gu Shu and Ye Ying walked behind.

While going downstairs, Gu Shu confessed to Ye Ying, "They will clean up the zombies in front to open the way. The two of us are responsible for planting the bomb on the first floor. Remember what I told you just now? Just press to start The countdown is on, just put the bomb there lightly, it doesn’t matter. Remember that the whole process must be fast, during the countdown time, we have to rush at least 500 meters away.”

Ye Ying nodded, and took the bomb from Gu Shu's hand. Holding such a dangerous item in the palm of her hand, she always felt uneasy.At this time, they had successfully descended to the first floor.

"The preparations are complete, let's split up." After Gu Shu's voice fell, the four people who were originally together separated at once.Ye Ying and Gu Shu separated in two directions. According to the plan, one bomb was installed at the east and west edges of the lobby on the first floor, and the third bomb was installed outside when they left the building.

The first floor of this building is a hall, nothing too much, and not much damage.There are floor-to-ceiling glass windows embedded in the middle of the wall. From the inside, you can see the situation outside at a glance, and the inside is the same from the outside.

Ye Ying and the others went down from the second floor to the first floor, and the dense zombies on the street outside were facing in any direction, so it only took a few seconds to be discovered.

The zombies who noticed their existence roared and wanted to rush this way, but the other zombies didn't notice them at first, but they also found the four people in the building because of the sudden excited roars of the other zombies.So, the zombies first had a scuffle by themselves.

Taking advantage of this gap, before the zombies rushed in, Chen Mo and Lin Qi rushed outside the building first.At this time, the chaotic zombies were finally freed from the melee, and rushed towards their collective goal - Chen Mo and Lin Qi.

The gunshots kept ringing, only with Chen Mo and Lin Qi standing outside, not a single zombie could break through the two of them's defenses and approach the building. .

(End of this chapter)

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