Chapter 128

Probably because there are too many zombies here and too dense, a few supernatural zombies will appear from time to time among the ordinary zombies.

Ordinary zombies that can be dealt with by ordinary bullets, Ye Ying, and others use gunfire to kill them. If they encounter supernatural zombies, others will continue to use guns to open the way, and Ye Ying will use supernatural powers to kill supernatural zombies .

When the supernatural ability is powerful enough, the speed of killing supernatural zombies is not much different from that of ordinary zombies with bullets, so Ye Ying will not be left behind at all.

In fact, any one of the other people can achieve this effect, but Ye Ying is not so easy to use guns and guns compared to them, so she consciously takes on this burden.

They rushed to at least 500 meters before the bombs exploded, and when the three bombs exploded together, the powerful impact and explosive force wiped out the zombies within 500 meters, and at the same time all the tall buildings followed collapsed.

Even though they were already 500 meters away, Ye Ying and the others were still shocked, but they were mentally prepared and physically fit enough, so they didn't suffer much.

On the contrary, the group of zombies who had only been rushing forward unknowingly, and were already very close to them, were all shaken by the huge impact to a place some distance away from them and fell to the ground.

After the impact passed, Ye Ying and the others got up from the lying ground.Ye Ying and the others shook the mud off their bodies together, and Gu Shu said with a smile, "The effect of this miniature bomb is even better than expected."

"How can the country's latest research results be weak? We have the absolute best arms resources in our hands. If they are put in the hands of ordinary people, they will worry about wasting them." Lin Qi said with a smile while touching Touching his hair, the mud and sand fell down.

"You're right, let's go." After two or three sentences, the zombies hadn't calmed down yet, and they didn't delay any longer but continued to complete the unfinished tasks.

In the evening, when it was getting dark, the four of them walked around the entire imperial capital, and the three miniature bombs installed for the last time exploded behind them.The flames soared into the sky, illuminating the dark night.

There is no living person in the entire huge imperial capital, and it is firmly occupied by zombies.Now, the zombies are almost wiped out, but there is only barrenness and ruins left, and even the afterglow of prosperity is gone.

Because no survivors were found, they just cleaned up the zombies so that the speed could be faster, otherwise it would be impossible to get rid of the imperial capital in one day.

After completing the work in this area, they drove to find a place to live tonight.They set off from the outskirts of the imperial capital and headed northwest to the neighboring H province.

Lin Qi sat in the driver's seat and drove, Chen Mo sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Gu Shu and Ye Ying sat in the back row.Even knowing that Gu Shu and Ye Ying are not weaker than them at all, Lin Qi and Chen Mo will still choose to take care of them in these small things.

The life detectors used to search for survivors were always on, but there was no sign of survivors.It didn't take a moment for the sky to turn dark until it was completely dark, so they had to turn on the lights of the car to find out, and the lights in the car were also turned on.

Ye Ying originally closed her eyes to meditate, but after remembering something she had forgotten, she opened her eyes, and asked Gu Shu for her backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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