Chapter 129

Out of respect, Gu Shu didn't ask Ye Ying anything, but handed Ye Ying's backpack to her.Ye Ying took out a notebook from her backpack, fumbled for a pen, opened the notebook and began to write something.

Although Gu Shu was curious, he didn't go over to read it, but just asked, "Keep a diary?"

Ye Ying, who was writing quickly, answered her without raising her head, "No." After speaking, she explained, "It's writing something else..."

As she spoke, she felt that it was necessary to talk to Gu Shu and the others about this matter, so she put away her pen for the time being, and this time she raised her head, and said, "It's about the incident that the western base was besieged by zombies, I think ...There is a certain need to report, and it may be useful, or it is likely to be useful."

"What is it about? Zombies?" Gu Shu asked again.

Lin Qi and Chen Mo sat in front, although neither of them spoke, they were listening to Ye Ying and Gu Shu, especially when they realized what Ye Ying wanted to say to them, they listened more seriously.

"Yes, it's about zombies." Ye Ying pondered for a while, organized her words before continuing to talk to them, "At that time, zombies came to besiege the base, and among the many ordinary zombies, there was one zombie that was above the others. It may not be very easy to is similar to the feeling of rank, that zombie can issue orders to other zombies, and the zombies that receive the order will do things according to its instructions."

"It shouldn't have wisdom, but it has a certain ability to judge right from wrong. At least it can know that my target is it when I rush down the city wall. I don't think it has wisdom because when I fight against it, I was also able to use little tricks and it didn't react at all."

"Another point, which I think is more important, is that this zombie uses mental fluctuations to issue commands to other zombies, which is similar to human brain waves? I think this may be useful. If it is possible to artificially send out the mental fluctuations that the zombies can receive, then can it be used to control the zombies?"

Ye Ying spoke very seriously, and the others listened more seriously.They had read the report submitted by the western base on the zombie siege, and they had seen the fact that there were zombies leading other zombies at the time, but the latter two points that Ye Ying said were not mentioned in the report at all.

But there was no other way, after all, it was Ye Ying who fought against that powerful zombie.Everyone else has to be busy defending the base, even if they really see it, they may not be so clear.

"How did you find out that the zombies use mental fluctuations to convey orders? Is that the one? The ability that we don't know about?" Gu Shu slightly tilted his body, looked at Ye Ying sideways, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. ,ask her.

Gu Shu's tone was somewhat casual. In fact, she was just curious. By the way, she reminded Ye Ying that if she wanted to write these things up as a report, she would probably have to expose her special ability.

(End of this chapter)

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