Chapter 131

When the life detector indicated that it detected signs of life, Ye Ying and the others in plain clothes were driving on a concrete road where no zombies could be seen.In line with the task, they did not drive very fast.

On both sides of the road are fields that have long been unmanaged, and a little farther away are some low mountains. You can almost reach the foot of the mountain just by crossing the fields.Although it was close to noon, it was already mid-autumn season, so it was not very hot at this time.

The person driving the car at the moment is Gu Shu, and the person sitting in the passenger seat is Ye Ying.When the life detector issued a reminder, Gu Shu slowed down the speed of the car a little. After all, if the range of 500 meters is placed on the road, it can be said to be a very short distance.

Ye Ying poked her head and glanced at the dial of the life detector—she really couldn't understand it at first, but she soon understood it after being taught by Gu Shu. Compared with the nearby terrain, she turned her head and said to Gu Shu, "Detection Yi showed two signs of life and they were supposed to be... hiding by the side of the road."

The fields that have not been managed for a long time are now full of various weeds. These weeds are still very tall, and they should be close to two meters in height by visual inspection.Ordinary people would be submerged if they walked inside. It was fine during the day, and one could recognize someone was there by careful identification. At night, once the other party deliberately concealed, there was almost no way to detect it.

"Is there a situation? Let's drive there first and have a look."

The other three people immediately understood the meaning of Ye Ying's words. It is possible that hiding by the side of the road is purely waiting for someone to pass by to save them, and it is also entirely possible that it is a trap set on purpose.In the case of not being sure which one it is and they cannot ignore it, the only thing to do is to be vigilant.

No one objected to Lin Qi's words, and after that, Gu Shu put the life detector into the space and continued to drive the car along the road.The entire communication process is actually just a matter of Ye Ying saying a word and Lin Qi saying a word.

Just when Ye Ying and the others' car were about to reach the front, the two people hiding beside the road suddenly jumped out.The speed of the car was not very fast, and Gu Shu had already known that there would be a situation, so Gu Shu stepped on the brakes in a timely manner.

The car stopped steadily at a distance of only five centimeters from the two people. Ye Ying and the others sat in the car and did not get off immediately. Instead, they first observed the two people who suddenly appeared and fell to the ground.

These were two women, their hair was disheveled, but not covering their faces.Both of them looked sallow and thin, and because they were very haggard, they couldn't tell their age.The clothes on them were a little tattered and dirty, but they were not so naked.

Their eyes slightly blocked by their hair looked in the direction of the car in fear. When they saw Ye Ying and Gu Shu in the front row, a hint of relief flashed in their eyes.Ye Ying and Gu Shu could clearly see the emotion that flashed in their eyes because they were wary and cared about it.

This seemingly inconspicuous emotion is very meaningful in the eyes of Ye Ying and Gu Shu.As if they didn't react, they hesitated for a while before opening the door and getting out of the car.They didn't show panic, they just looked a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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