Chapter 132

It can be said that Lin Qi and Chen Mo got out of the car at the same time as Ye Ying and Gu Shu. The two people who fell on the ground looked up at the four of them first, and then they stretched out their hands when Ye Ying and Gu Shu rushed to them. When they came, they stood up with the help of Ye Ying and Gu Shu.

When Ye Ying held the hand of one of them, the only thing she felt was that she was too thin, almost like a layer of skin wrapped around the bones, without any flesh at all.It's impossible to say how strong these two people are. If they didn't escape from somewhere, then it must be...

"Thank you... thank you..." After the two stood up, both of them stammered to thank Ye Ying and the others, and then one of them said, "I'm sorry... I came out so suddenly to stop your car..."

"It's okay," Gu Shu interrupted this person, and then asked sincerely in a pitiful tone, "Why did you suddenly appear here?" The way he usually behaved was completely different.

This acting skill is comparable to the Golden Horse Award winner, Ye Ying silently complained in her heart.She stood by the side, watching the two people not talking, and at the same time, she used her psychic powers to check if there were other people around, such as... a space power user hiding in the space.

"We escaped..." The person who originally spoke hesitated for a moment, but was cut off by another person, and she didn't care about the other person, so she said to Gu Shu, "Can you... take us with you?" Go? Although we don't have much ability, we won't mess around." The other woman gave this man a sideways look, as if she was a little dissatisfied.

Gu Shu glanced at the person, but did not answer what she said, but asked, "Where did you escape from? Is there anyone else here?"

Seeing that the other party did not answer, Gu Shu said again, "Don't be afraid, we are sent by the country to rescue you. The country has built many rescue bases now, and there is no need to worry about zombies in the bases."

Ye Ying thought that Gu Shu would not confess their identities so quickly, but she did not expect that Gu Shu had already spoken out at this time.

Whether you say it or not, in fact, each has its own disadvantages and advantages.Ye Ying thought that Gu Shu would not say anything, and was more inclined to subconscious thinking, after all, the other party was already a bad visitor.

But after thinking about it for a while, Ye Ying understood why Gu Shu did this.If it is said that these two people were bullied and forced to come here to deceive people - this is basically certain. Ye Ying just discovered that there are three space people hiding in the space right next to the road, that means There are many more who are oppressed in a similar way.

These oppressed people know that the state has not ignored them, and even sent people to find them and rescue them, which can at least form a very positive psychological impact.

Of course, if the two women told each other directly that they were sent by the country later, the other party would not be so stupid as to take them back to the base.In this way, they can only use force directly, and then try to find a way to find that small base.Gu Shu's move was considered a gamble.

As for whether the effect of Gu Shu's actions is good or not, it only depends on how many of those people want to escape this oppression.Some people will definitely think that life like this is okay now...

Because even if you are oppressed, even if you are hungry, at least you are still alive, and you don't have to face zombies.These people have overlooked one point, that is, when there is no more food, someone might start eating people.At that time, those who have no ability to resist will be the first to be eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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