Chapter 134

The room where Ye Ying and Gu Shu lived was empty except for the bed they were sitting on. Although their eyes were not blindfolded, their hands and feet were still tied with ropes—although for them, they were tied. It's not much different from not being tied.

The room was a bit dark with no way of letting in light other than a skylight.Ye Ying and Gu Shu sat on the bed without moving, and looked around the room first.Of course, there is nothing to see, so it can be said that two or three glances have already seen the whole thing.

"Now... what should we do?" Ye Ying lowered her voice and asked Gu Shu who was sitting next to her.

Gu Shu turned her head and looked at Ye Ying. Ye Ying felt a little baffled because her expression was too serious, and then she heard Gu Shu ask her, "When those people searched us just now to see if we had hidden weapons, what did you do?" Feel?"

"Chop your hands!" Thinking of the dirty hands and feet of those people just now, Ye Ying answered Gu Shu's words directly, and then realized something was wrong, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing..." Gu Shu shrugged, and looked at Ye Ying with an innocent smile, "Anyway, we can't do anything now, so let's take a rest first. Take it easy... I found that you seem to be... always very nervous. Seriousness is very nervous, but in fact, there is no need to be like this, just be happy, being a human being, the most important thing is to be happy!"

Ye Ying was indeed... a little nervous, and she couldn't control her nervousness when she thought that she was shouldering the mission of saving the entire base.How should I put it, after all, it is still different, compared with before.

Hearing Gu Shu's words now, Ye Ying couldn't hold back even if she wanted to.She couldn't help bursting out laughing, and she relaxed, not worrying about what to do now.

On the other side, unlike Gu Shu and Ye Ying, Lin Qi and Chen Mo were brought to the room to stay. They were taken directly to meet a small boss in the base.

This little boss looks a bit hideous, with a short shaved head, and a scar on his face extending from the back of his left ear along his left cheek to his left eyelid.His left eye was probably disabled at that time, but it is closed tightly now.

"Brother Song, someone brought them here." One of the two people who brought Lin Qi and Chen Mo over said respectfully to the little boss.

Brother Song squinted his only eye up and down, or looked at Lin Qi and Chen Mo. After watching for a long time, he finally gave an evaluation.

"It seems to have some strength, but it looks like a hard bone." After he finished his evaluation, he sneered and continued, "There is no resistance at all? Just because of those two women?"

Someone nodded at Brother Song, and he smiled, the scars on his face became more hideous, and at the same time made him look even more hostile.

"Are you interested in joining us? If you do well and don't make trouble, we will promise not to hurt those two women, and let you eat and drink without worry."

The people standing behind Lin Qi and Chen Mo were a little surprised by their so-called "Brother Song". After looking at it for a few times, they invited the two people in front of them to join so quickly. This should be... the first It happened once, right?
In the early morning of this day, a large national rescue base in the north.

This was the second day after Ye Ying left the base to join the team to carry out the mission. Ye Kun, Ye Quan, Xie Chunfang, and Xie Wei, Jiang Lan, and Xie Lin went on the mission together.There are about [-] civilian superhumans participating in this mission, and the rest are military superhumans.

(End of this chapter)

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