Chapter 135

In the spring of the coming year, the base will start to grow its own food. The task they have to do now is to grab fertilizer and various food seeds from the hands of the zombies.Before this mission, the base continued to have tasks such as grabbing food seeds and fertilizers, but these things that are basically impossible to produce for the time being, the more the better.

This time, the scouts also discovered a large agricultural and sideline product store that had been neglected before. It stocked both fertilizers and grain seeds.This store is located in a relatively central location in City S, and City S was a first-tier city in the country before the end of the world. The population can be imagined, so the number of zombies now can also be imagined.

In fact, Ye Ying joined Gu Shu's team, which already guaranteed that Ye Kun and the others could eat and drink in the base without going on missions.It's just that they can't stay in the base and do nothing, but enjoy the benefits that Ye Ying has earned for them through hard work alone.

In addition to this, if they just stay in the base and don't go out to do tasks, the vigilance of the whole person will undoubtedly gradually decrease, not to mention that there is no way to improve their abilities.

When Ye Ying was doing missions together in the west, they understood that the ability to kill more zombies would be improved.Since this is the case, and the higher the strength, the better, there is no reason for them to just stay in the base and not do any tasks.

This time, among the ordinary supernatural beings accompanying Ye Kun and the others, there were three girls who were about the same age as Ye Ying, and three young men who looked to be in their early twenties.The rest are basically men in their thirties.

Li Rong, Liu Susu and Xu Can also participated in this mission to grab fertilizer and grain seeds.The three schoolmates who went to the cafeteria with them and Ye Ying to grab weapons, that is, the three young people in their early twenties in Ye Kun's eyes, Sun Weiqi, He Wei, and Li Yu were also there.

Since they separated from Ye Ying and followed the army to the northern base, they never left here again.The management of the base is very strict. In addition, the six of them spontaneously formed a small team with some strength, so they were not bullied by anyone. They were very lucky.

After the six of them came to the base, they have only found Liu Susu's mother until now, and there is basically no news about the relatives of the others.Even if they don't want to be discouraged and don't want to give up hope, but now, the remaining five people feel that they have to give up.

There are 75 people with supernatural powers in the army. This time there are as many as [-] soldiers and civilians participating in the mission, which shows how dangerous this mission is.In a place like the city center, after all, you can't just joke around.

As always, the mission is to start from the base on time at [-]:[-] in the morning. It is not long before it is [-]:[-] in the morning at this time, and there is still a little time before the sun rises.Everyone wears at least two pieces of clothing to prevent catching a cold right after a mission, and it is really hard to even catch a cold in this period.

The car had just reached the suburbs when it was attacked by a large number of zombies. Even if there were tanks opening the way in front, it was a bit difficult to resist. The soldiers in the car behind had to provide arms support.

(End of this chapter)

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